Page 95 - Cyber Defense eMagazine July 2024
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Yet, having policies and controls is only half the battle. The shifting, evolving IT landscape makes security
            a moving  target. Organizations  need  total and continuous  visibility over  where and  how controls  have
            been implemented, to identify whether they are working as they should be, and close potential coverage

            Too often organizations  are relying  on incomplete,  siloed and even  contradictory  information.  Security
            tools can be unreliable  witnesses; they only report  on what  they alone can see, not the whole  picture.
            This  leads  to  conflicting  reports,  allowing  undiscovered  vulnerabilities  and  threats  to  hide  in  the  fog.
            Overworked and stressed security teams are drowning in data but lacking insights that can drive change.

            Overcoming these problems is a big data challenge. CISOs need a validated system of record they can
            trust  that  gives  total  visibility  over  coverage  gaps  and  their  true  control  status.  Trusted  data  allows
            businesses  to assess  risk in the context  of their business.  This enables  security teams  to identify and
            take action on high risk issues to mitigate them instead of focusing on the wrong things, such as reporting,
            fixing  yesterday’s  problems,  or  just  dealing  with  indicators  of  compromise  instead  of  solving  the  root

            As it’s the root cause of so many attacks, let’s take patching as an example. Ensuring every single asset
            on your network is updated is a daunting task. But with the right contextual data to show which machines
            represent  the greatest  risk,  security  teams can  focus on the highest  priority  assets  first. This targeted
            approach  will  drastically  reduce  risk  exposure  and  improve  the  efficiency  of  overstretched  security

            Brighter skies ahead

            Sophisticated,  industrialized,  and  opportunistic  attacks  all  differ,  and  remediation  tactics  vary  from
            ensuring zero trust to patching. But there is one key thread woven throughout the approach to defense
            against each – data. Without it, security leaders and their teams are left in the dark, unsure which assets
            are critical and require immediate attention, and which can be prioritized for now.

            Those organizations  that can harness the power  of the data at their fingertips  will be well equipped to
            ride out the cyberattack  storm. Whilst those that continue to ignore this invaluable resource will remain
            caught up in the never-ending downpour of attacks.

            About the Author

            Nick Lines, Security Product Expert, champions Panaseer’s unique value and
            ensures  they're  helping  solve  the  biggest  challenges  in  cybersecurity.  He’s
            worked  for  multinational  systems  integrators  and  consultancies  in  roles
            including developer, technical sales, and offering management, and previously
            spent a decade  at Microsoft.  Nick can be reached online at LinkedIn  and at
            our company website

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – July 2024 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          95
            Copyright © 2024, Cyber Defense Magazine. All rights reserved worldwide.
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