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Before this can happen, however, the DevOps teams must be equipped with the necessary knowledge
            about  AI  compliance  and  the  latest  cybersecurity  practices,  and  downstream  user  teams,  from  tech
            specialists  to management,  must  also understand  compliance  issues  that might  arise.  To future-proof
            your organization against problematic, but avoidable, compliance issues, consider these elements of an
            AI security culture, which are both strategic and practical:

            Risk Assessment

            Conducting  thorough risk assessments  can identify potential compliance  risks your organization  faces.
            In  addition  to  being  regular,  these  assessments  should  be  exhaustive,  and  involve  scrutiny  of  every
            internal  decision related  to AI, from  reviewing data  handling procedures  to comprehensively  analyzing
            how AI impacts  privacy,  fairness,  and transparency  within your  organization  to reviewing  and auditing
            security protocols. Such assessments should be the foundation of your cybersecurity strategy, ensuring
            that every aspect of AI deployment is scrutinized for potential risks.

            Policy Management

            Developing clear and robust policies is essential for guiding all aspects of organizational behavior in your
            organization,  and  AI-related  activities  must  be  included.  AI  governance  policies  should  outline  the
            expectations  for  employee  conduct,  the  controls  in  place  to  support  those  expectations,  and  the
            consequences of non-compliance.

            Technical Controls
            Implementing  technical  controls, such as policy-based  access  and traceability  mechanisms,  to monitor
            and manage how AI tools are used within your company can go a very long way toward ensuring your
            digital infrastructure remains secure against both internal and external threats.

            Transparency and Accountability

            Discussing  accountability  with a group  of decision-makers  usually  guarantees  applause;  transparency
            not so much.  But early  GenAI deployments  have shown  that it’s tough  to have  one without  the other.
            Maintaining  transparency  with employees  about how AI technologies  are used by, for, and within your
            company  helps build trust and accountability,  and lessen  resistance  to compliance  mandates.  It’s also
            important that external stakeholders, customers, and the public understand what AI-dependent measures
            are in place to safeguard their data and privacy.

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – July 2024 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          91
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