Page 93 - Cyber Defense eMagazine July 2024
P. 93

Sheltering From the Cyberattack Storm – Part Two

            By Nick Lines, Security Product Expert, Panaseer

            In the first part of this series, I discussed sophisticated cyberattacks,  analyzed an example, and offered
            advice on how to remediate against such an attack. But the cybersecurity storm doesn’t stop there.

            While  sophisticated  attacks  may be  the hardest  to defend  against,  they’re  also  the rarest,  requiring  a
            level of skill and knowledge  usually limited to state-backed  adversaries  or well-established  cybercrime
            groups. Because they have a lower bar for entry, the majority of attacks we see fall into the categories of
            human-operated  industrialized  and opportunistic  attacks – which are often automated. But that doesn’t
            make  them  any  less  dangerous,  and  they  often  have  long,  destructive  tailwinds.  However,  research
            shows that 98% of attacks could be prevented with basic cyber hygiene, and in this second installment
            I’ll show how this applies to both industrial and opportunistic attacks.

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – July 2024 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          93
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