Page 90 - Cyber Defense eMagazine July 2024
P. 90

Strategizing Compliance and Security In AI: A Hands-On Guide

            for IT Leaders

            By Neil Serebryany, Founder and CEO of CalypsoAI

            Navigating  the complex  web  of compliance  in the  AI era  is a formidable  challenge,  and  aligning  your
            organization  with  existing and  emerging  legal, ethical,  and regulatory  standards  has never  been more
            important.  Using AI-driven  tools proactively,  businesses  can achieve higher  levels of data governance
            and threat detection  than they would by using traditional  methods.  The key to proactive compliance  is
            having a deep understanding of both the opportunities and vulnerabilities AI tools introduce. This requires
            a dual  focus  on the  compliance  landscape  and the  ever-present  threat  of cyberattacks,  which  means
            incorporating  rigorous  oversight  and  meticulous  implementation  of  security  measures.  Employing
            sophisticated AI algorithms allows companies to monitor vast networks for abnormal activity and react in
            real time, which can significantly reduce the potential for major breaches.

            It’s imperative that compliance be considered at every stage of the AI system development lifecycle, from
            the initial design to deployment. Embedding compliance-centric  considerations into project planning can
            ensure every phase achieves the required standards of data privacy and ethical use. The importance of
            this  goes  beyond  merely  legal  requirements;  systems  designed  to  be  technically  proficient,  culturally
            sensitive, and ethically sound will bolster public trust and brand integrity.

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – July 2024 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          90
            Copyright © 2024, Cyber Defense Magazine. All rights reserved worldwide.
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