Page 98 - Cyber Defense eMagazine July 2024
P. 98

Deciding the Right Approach

            Deciding whether to use this technology will not be black and white. Luckily, there are steps organizations
            can take as they consider next steps that can help guide them:

               •  Define the use case: Organizations should take a step back and ask themselves why they want
                   to adopt the technology – is it to improve specific processes? If so, which ones?
               •  Determine  desired  outcomes:  Once  the  use case  is  defined,  a business  should  put  specific
                   metrics around it to understand how they will define success.
               •  Select a tool and start small: There are a lot of generative AI tools available, and organizations
                   must decide which ones to adopt that will best serve the use case and deliver the desired results.
                   From  there,  the  tool  should  be  given  to  a  small  group  of  people  as  proof  of  concept  before
               •  Measure, iterate, and improve: Like any new process, things may not go smoothly the first go
                   around.  But measuring  against success,  understanding  employee (or customer)  feedback,  and
                   making  adjustments  along the way  may help ultimately  decide if this is a tool worth expanding
                   within an organization, or scrapping altogether.

            If an organization is leaning toward adopting generative AI tools, implementing employee education, and
            establishing company policies are crucial steps to mitigating the risks of doing so. In terms of education,
            businesses should consider providing company-wide training, informational sessions like webinars, office
            hours  for  questions,  and  consistent  communications  around  the  tool’s  use.  Likewise,  company-wide
            policies should be rolled out, clearly defining acceptable tools, acceptable use, data that can and cannot
            be used with the tool, and how violations will be handled.

            The  adoption  of  AI  is  dependent  on  a  business’s  needs  and  will  look  different  for  each  company.
            Determining what level of risk and reward is appropriate may not be a simple task, but if done correctly,
            it will open up the right conversations  that increase security and innovation across the organization.

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – July 2024 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          98
            Copyright © 2024, Cyber Defense Magazine. All rights reserved worldwide.
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