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Encryption  of  Data  at  Rest:  The  Cybersecurity  Last  Line  of


            Defending business against cyberattack

            By Abimbola Ogunjinmi

            Encryption of Data at Rest: The Cybersecurity Last Line of Defense

            In the ever-evolving  landscape of cybersecurity,  where threats are becoming increasingly  sophisticated
            and pervasive, traditional  defenses alone are no longer sufficient to protect  sensitive data. Despite the
            implementation  of comprehensive  security  measures such  as Zero Trust architectures  and Defense in
            Depth  strategies,  organizations  continue  to  experience  significant  security  breaches.  A  critical
            vulnerability  that remains is the exfiltration  of data by cybercriminals.  Unlike the ransomware attacks of
            the past that focused primarily on data encryption to demand ransom, modern adversaries now exfiltrate
            data, posing severe privacy and regulatory risks. In this context, encryption  of data at rest emerges as
            the last and indispensable line of defense, rendering stolen data useless to attackers.

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – July 2024 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          100
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