Page 97 - Cyber Defense eMagazine July 2024
P. 97

Promised Rewards of AI

            Large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT  have introduced AI to the masses and have been rapidly
            adopted  by  employees,  students,  and  consumers  alike  to  ease  everyday  tasks.  ChatGPT  and  other
            generative  AI-powered  chatbots  allow  people  to ask  questions  in plain  language,  meaning  using  it is
            simple and doesn’t require much technical skill.

            Beyond ease of use, the technology promises:

               •  Increased productivity: With LLMs helping workers do everything from coding faster to digesting
                   large quantities  of research in minutes,  workers are now free to focus on more strategic  tasks,
                   instead of time-intensive ones.
               •  Operational  efficiencies:  By  embedding  generative  AI  tools  like  chatbots  into  software  or
                   processes,  organizations  can  get  the  information  they  need  to  execute  on  tasks  quickly  or
                   automate processes altogether – significantly streamlining workflows.
               •  Cost  savings:  When  time  is  saved  and  employees  are  more  productive,  organizations  can
                   reduce spend while also increasing profit.

            Potential Risks of AI

            While glamorous  at first look, AI does not come  without pitfalls. Understanding  these pitfalls  – and the
            risks they pose to businesses – can help prevent misuse, bias, security breaches, and more. A few risks
            organizations should be aware of:

               •  Data sharing:  To get the answers relevant  to a specific business  or function,  that organization
                   needs  to  first  give  an  LLM  data.  For  example,  if  you  want  ChatGPT  to write  a  summary  of  a
                   meeting, you will have to share the meeting transcript. This means that if proprietary information
                   gets shared  with  an LLM,  it remains  in the LLM’s  knowledge  system  and can  be accessed  by
                   other  users.  This is  typically  outlined  in an  End User  License  Agreement  – which  many  users
                   typically sign without much thought.
               •  Bias  or  inaccurate  answers:  Answers  provided  by  LLMs  have  been  known  to  be  biased,
                   inaccurate,  or  made  up.  Understanding  where  the  model  is  getting  the  information  from  and
                   reviewing the information with an air of caution before using it can help identify any of these risk
                   factors before they cause harm.
               •  Copyright infringement: It is also important to remember that anything produced by generative
                   AI is considered  part  of the public domain  – so, putting  your name  on something  produced  by
                   ChatGPT could lead to copyright troubles down the line.

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – July 2024 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          97
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