Page 113 - Cyber Defense Magazine for August 2020
P. 113

who would take advantage over whom a lot of brilliant people would miss the chance to make something
            out  of  their  lives.  No  one  can  succeed  on  his  own  and  indeed,  there  is  the  need  for  support  and
            encouragement from the entire community. The nations that would help their people make a progress
            would be the nations of successful people, while the small nations would look for the chance to revenge
            leading themselves to suffering and nothing else. In other words, go beyond your limits and think big no
            matter how poor your conditions are.

            Assumption #3. The stress management techniques could reduce the violence at work.

            Explanation #3. The people under the stressful condition could develop some kind of anxiety, tension or
            fear about what is going on around them. That sort of negative emotion could sabotage their efforts to be
            productive and effective at the workplace. Also, they can react so aggressively if anyone says anything
            because they are overloaded with their obligations. In addition, the people can express the violence for
            working hard and making some kind of the flaw that could go under the self-criticism or the criticism of
            their surroundings. Simply, they are a lot of reasons why someone can feel the pressure and give so
            assaultive response to that condition. The experience in criminology would suggest that so many violent
            offenders have been the victims of mobbing in some period of their lives. So, if someone is under the
            pressure chronically that person can develop resilience or respond with the dose of despite and probably
            some kind of the violence. The good manager should understand the limits as well as the strong and
            weak sides of his team and so skillfully manage all of them on. If the conflict occurs, the team leader
            should know how to put it under the control and following the procedures so carefully investigate what
            have happened for real. It’s not only about collecting the claims through the catch up interview; it’s more
            about coping with the best practice how the inconvenient situation could get resolved peacefully. Any
            competitive organization should deal with such a level of the development and also, it’s necessary to
            organize some sort of the stress management workshops for your employees as they could get the free
            advice and instruction how to reduce their amount of the stress. It’s also about the level of trust and
            confidence the employees have about each other as sometimes there is the need to openly talk about
            your  concerns  without  any  fear  that  you  would  get  put  under  the  wrong  and  misunderstanding
            interpretation. In other words, the co-workers should see each other as support, not the competitors as
            they work united like a team in order to beat the competition on the marketplace for their employer. Every
            good manager should know that and if anyone complains to him that person should receive the support
            to overcome such a situation. The point is being assertive, not revenging! If you maintain that “I win  –
            You  win”  attitude  you  would  easily  figure  out  it’s  all  about  solidarity  and  team  effort  that  can  make
            everyone succeeds. The main trick is anyone with the bad manners would take the criticism so personally
            and  that  person  could  try  to  do  some  kind  of  bullying  once  she  got  reported  to  her  principles.  The
            employees could warn about someone’s inappropriate behavior and it’s not always about the reward and
            punishment – it’s about teaching the staffs how to work as the one. The fact is the stress management
            training could be so expansive and the employer that wants to reduce his costs would not pay even a
            cent for that, in his opinion, unnecessary stuff. That’s the quite wrong decision for a reason those sorts
            of  things  could  serve  as  the  good  preventive  measure  in  avoiding  the  violence  at  the  workplace.
            Apparently,  the  good  employer  should  get  developed  the  adequate  procedures,  policies  and  best
            practices for tackling that spectrum of situations. Any kind of the mobbing is something that goes under
            the Criminal Code and anyone who wants to remain within the legal constrains would try to prevent that
            sort  of behavior  amongst his organization.  So,  the  stress  management techniques  could  reduce  the
            workplace violence and it’s not wasting of anything protecting your own interests investing into that sort
            of prevention, so far.

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – August 2020 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                                        113
            Copyright © 2020, Cyber Defense Magazine.  All rights reserved worldwide.
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