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the maximal  level  of  the  professionalism,  productivity  and  effectiveness  in  return. In  the  case  of the
            outsourcing  business,  it  would  appear  someone  would  exploit  someone.  Also,  the  situation  in  the
            developed  countries  is not  far more different as any  capitalist  would  want to  take  advantage on the
            marketplace and his key players would get satisfied with their incomes, but they would need to push hard
            and hard as well as offer the new and innovative solutions and approaches pulling the entire company
            ahead. In other words, those guys are not the part of the assembly business as the case is with the
            developing societies. They are someone who would be with the brain and who would need to create the
            ingenious ideas on. Does not matter if you would work for the normative or the new business strategy
            sooner or later you would figure out that the stress is something that can distract you from being well-
            productive and well-creative. In other words, if you are overloaded day by day even the good intended
            suggestion from your co-worker could make you attempt the workplace violence and once that happens
            you would be in the trouble. Basically, it’s up to your manger how hard you would need to work. Anyone
            making  the  profit  would  want  your  maximal  effort  for  the  minimal  time  and  if  you  can  provide  the
            encouraging results within so short deadlines you would get the compliments that you are competitive. If
            not, the people would just say thank you for everything! That’s quite stressful, right?

            Assumption #2. Employees with the medical condition could be more sensitive to stress.

            Explanation #2. If you hire a person with disability or another medical condition, you should be extremely
            careful how you would mange that staff. Those persons could be partially dysfunctional about some sorts
            of the tasks, but if managed skillfully they can give their maximum with something. The disability could
            be mental, physical, sensing or the other and even if you want to hire the totally blind person you should
            know that individual can contribute as well and get some kind of personal satisfaction for getting the
            chance  to  work.  There are a  lot  of  blind people  who  would deliver the online  classes  in  the  foreign
            language. Maybe they would not see well enough, but they would hear exceptionally and adopt some
            skills  using  their  bright  minds.  It’s  not  always  pushing  the  poor  people  aside  and  making  them  get
            marginalized. It’s about giving them opportunity to work and feed their kids. So, if you want to hire the
            person with the special condition, you need to provide him the special circumstances. Many people would
            believe that cyber defense area is only for the highly skillful persons. We would disagree with so! Even
            someone with the mental or physical disadvantage could become the IT security professional, but that
            person should not get discriminated at the beginning. There are so many talented people who cannot
            hear or walk, but they can sit in front of the screen and create so amazing software solutions being
            competitive even for the highest standard IT industries. The fact is those guys are so sensitive to the
            stress and it needs the skill to manage them. Remember the Rain Man and the guy with the autism who
            got the genius mind. That’s what we talk about! Just try to figure out what could happen if anyone wanted
            to discriminate that person. The situation in the developing world in such a sense is hard. There are still
            a lot of unresolved concerns about the support and opportunities those folks get from their communities.
            Practically, there are some legal regulations, but they are not strictly followed and someone who could
            contribute in some manner would stay without the chance to even attempt to do so. On the other hand,
            the  developed  societies  would  show  some  care  about  those  guys  and  they  would  create  them  the
            conditions to work and progress in their occupation. So surprisingly, some companies from the developed
            economies  that  would  run  the  outsourcing  business  would  choose  to  remain  blind  in  front  of  those
            people’s needs probably for the reason their local sources would suggest them it’s better to pay some
            penalties to the government than to hire the person with disability. Would there be the difference between
            the guy with disability in the developed and developing economy? Basically, no! So, the only reasons
            why some respectful companies would not treat those people equally as they would do in their counties
            are so irrational stories from their outsourcing managers who would not cope with the skill to handle those
            hard working individuals. Luckily, the rational part of the human kind would not discriminate anyone and
            that’s why we have the Paralympics Games every single season across the globe. If the business is only

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – August 2020 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                                        112
            Copyright © 2020, Cyber Defense Magazine.  All rights reserved worldwide.
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