Page 117 - Cyber Defense Magazine for August 2020
P. 117

bad actors the highest hit rates from phone phishing scams with frequent attempts being compromise of
            personal information and news of harm/captivity of the elderly’s children.

            Most of the crimes against the adult population use a similar pattern as fraud against the elderly with no
            connection to computers (such as telemarketing of unnecessary services by highly aggressive sales

            The criminals will reach out to those people in a non-suspicious manner - sending a legitimate-looking
            email, offering to connect on Facebook or by using a legitimate website that offers them some vacation
            or other prize. The criminals will then try to obtain the details of those people. In particular, they will seek
            credit card and identification details that allow them to use these cards. Another tactic is impersonating
            a person in need and requesting a transfer of funds.

            Recently, the FBI arrested a network of criminals impersonating other people (“Captain Garcia” of the US
            military stationed in Syria, for example) who then persuaded their victims - many of whom were elderly -
            to transfer money to various causes, all of which were fictitious.

            Another  favorite  method  of  criminals  is  impersonating  "official"  entities  -  government  officials,
            municipalities and various authorities, while exploiting the trust (or innocence) of those veteran citizens
            and fraudulently obtaining their details.

            In addition, this population is exposed to "normal" cybercrime - phishing, infection by malware and theft
            of personal information. The only difference is that the likelihood of this population recognizing such an
            attack is extremely slim, as the ability of people in this age group to understand that they have been
            compromised and to seek assistance is minimal. It should be noted that such attacks can also be carried
            out against people through their smartphones, which are very popular with this age group. These devices
            are usually not installed with protection software that could alert the user to malicious websites or warn
            them of attempts to exfiltrate personal details from the device.

            What can be done?

            It all starts and ends with education, but this time it is the younger generation which needs to educate
            their parents. We should remember the warnings they repeatedly told us when we were younger, and
            echo similar messages back to them, though in a slightly different way:

            - Know your friends and enemies: research shows that the elderly are oblivious to cyber risks, so it's
            worthwhile explaining to them some basic concepts and providing them with some examples of criminal
            or fraudulent online activities for them to learn from and avoid.

            - Do not open the door to strangers, and do not receive anything from strangers: Any communication
            from a party that they do not know personally should be treated with caution. It’s wise to assume all
            profiles on social networks are fake until proven otherwise.

            -Don't tell anyone any personal information - even if you are convinced that you are in contact with an
            official, or a real person - do not provide credit card details, residential address or social security number
            - certainly not by email or messenger.

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – August 2020 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                                        117
            Copyright © 2020, Cyber Defense Magazine.  All rights reserved worldwide.
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