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Mobile Solutions

Accellion�s mobile app enables secure viewing, creating, editing, It is HIPAA compliant for healthcare industry workers, it
sharing and syncing of enterprise content. The product provides complies with SOX for the sharing of personal information, and
IT controls to manage user privileges and access rights that is FIPS 140-2 certified, to ensure that government agencies can
protect data and meet regulatory standards. utilize the solution for their collaboration and sharing needs.

Key benefits include: More than 2,000 businesses and more than 12 million users trust
•Secure content creation, editing and sharing of Microsoft Accellion to support their secure mobile content initiatives.
Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files
•Secure mobile access to SharePoint, without VPN About Accellion
•Integration with numerous DLP solutions Accellion, Inc. is an award-winning, well-funded, private
•Secure mobile access to enterprise content anytime, anywhere company that provides enterprise-class mobile productivity
•Ability to restrict third party apps to IT managed whitelist solutions to enable secure, anytime, anywhere access to
•Ability to open and upload files from e-mail and other apps information while ensuring enterprise security and compliance.
•Easy and secure project and team collaboration More than 2,000 enterprise organizations, representing more
•Remote wipe for increased administration device-level than 12 million business users worldwide, rely on Accellion
management solutions to help keep their enterprise information secure and
ensure compliance, including: Procter & Gamble; Indiana
Bridging the gap between security and mobile, Accellion University Health; Kaiser Permanente; Lovells; Bridgestone;
emphasizes its secure, real-time mobile access to files stored in Ogilvy & Mather; Harvard University; Guinness World Records;
SharePoint, Windows File Shares, and other Enterprise Content US Securities and Exchange Commission; and NASA.
Management (ECM) systems behind the corporate firewall,
without a VPN. �Most Innovative Mobile Endpoint Security for 2014� -
Additionally, in order to ensure compliance within a variety of
industries, Accellion has ensured that its solution is up to date
on numerous regulations.

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