Page 59 - CDM Cyber Warnings February 2014
P. 59

LogRhythm Security


LogRhythm�s Network Monitor provides greater value and • Unstructured search, powerful analysis – provides rapid
access to network forensics by being far more intuitive, access to SmartFlow™ details via a powerful �Google-like �
usable and cost-effective than traditional network forensics search engine that streamlines and simplifies network
and NBAD solutions. It enables organizations to detect and forensic investigations.
respond to advanced threats and breaches faster and with
greater precision than ever before. • Full session packet capture – captures full layer 2 through
7 packet header and payloads from each session for a
Features: complete record of network activity. All information is
• True application identification – identifies more than organized by session, providing full context of application
2,000 applications for in-depth analysis by performing communications and content transferred across the
deep packet inspection and applying multiple classification network.
methods to determine the true identity of the application.
True application identification provides the visibility • SmartCapture™ – provides full packet capture without the
necessary to detect critical activities such as suspicious data extensive storage requirements of traditional solutions by
transfers, network usage policy violations and advanced retaining only sessions of interest.
• Security analytics integration – delivers a rich, real-time
• SmartFlow™ – delivers a rich set of packet metadata feed of SmartFlow™ data to LogRhythm�s Security
derived from each network session, appropriate to the type Intelligence Platform to deliver industry-leading analytics.
of application used. The high degree of detail available in
SmartFlow™, cataloguing every session on the network,
provides deep understanding of an application� s network �The Best Product as a Forensics Solution for 2014� - CDM

activity in a quickly accessible format.

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