Page 57 - CDM Cyber Warnings February 2014
P. 57

Lancope StealthWatch

In the midst of ever-evolving cyber threats, Lancope is other malware to insider threats and APTs, and to thoroughly
revolutionizing the security industry with its forensics and understand and prevent future attacks.
incident response solution - StealthWatch. Lancope�s
StealthWatch® System delivers in-depth network visibility and StealthWatch provides the network intelligence needed to
security intelligence for early threat detection. It provides uncover the unknown, zero-day threats evading other forms of
detailed forensic insight into everything happening on the detection. Status quo security technologies are designed to detect
network from both a real-time and historical perspective. attacks at the perimeter, or rely on signature updates to detect
only known threats. These conventional technologies are cost-
NetFlow is a family of standard protocols spoken by a wide prohibitive and ineffective against today�s rapidly-evolving
variety of popular network equipment, which can be used to threat landscape, offering limited visibility and minimal
build an audit trail of network activity. StealthWatch cost- protection against emerging attacks.
effectively collects, analyzes and stores large amounts of NetFlow
and other types of flow data from existing infrastructure for Hundreds of Global 2000 enterprises and government agencies
months or even years. The system then turns this data into across many industries - including healthcare, financial services,
actionable intelligence for detecting anomalous traffic inside the government and higher education institutions - rely on
network and performing more effective forensic investigations. StealthWatch to keep their massive networks up and running
Through its sophisticated, behavioral analysis, StealthWatch and secure, while avoiding the high-profile breaches that
quickly unveils the full scope of what happened, including who regularly make headlines. StealthWatch�s long list of marquee
was responsible, how the attack was launched, and what infected customers include Cisco, HP, Siemens, BlueCross BlueShield,
machines did after they were compromised. AirTran Airways, more than 20 U.S. federal government
agencies and many more. StealthWatch is also a major
By automatically detecting and alerting on suspicious behavior, component of the Cisco Cyber Threat Defense Solution,
StealthWatch reduces the need for time-consuming and designed to combat the most dangerous threats facing today�s
resource-intensive manual investigations. It enables security enterprises.
teams to swiftly identify and halt a wide variety of cyber-attacks
lurking inside the network, from worms, viruses, botnets and �The Most Innovative Forensics Solution for 2014� - CDM

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