Page 58 - CDM Cyber Warnings February 2014
P. 58

ThreatMetrix TrustDefender

Cybercrime Protection


The TrustDefender™ Cybercrime Protection Platform is the first combining online identities and device fingerprints while also
industry solution that combines comprehensive data collection, detecting anomalies and malware-based compromises. Business
behavioral analytics and the ThreatMetrix™ Global Trust policies allow configuration of user trust levels to fit each
Intelligence Network (The Network) into a powerful, risk-based organization�s business model. Shared intelligence across
security and fraud prevention solution. The platform analyzes millions of daily transactions processed by the Global Trust
more than 500 million monthly website transactions and login Intelligence Network provides predictive analytics, to protect
attempts across 1,900 global customers and 9,000 websites. This online businesses and reduce customer friction. The
real-time analysis is provided without compromising the user TrustDefender Cybercrime Protection Platform is the only
experience through additional arduous authentication steps, a solution that offers all of these critical components and provides
first in the cybersecurity marketplace. them in a single, integrated solution. This collective approach
ensures that customers have maximum visibility into the
Currently, many enterprises deploy point security and fraud activities of fraudsters and hackers.
tools as separate products from different vendors. As a result,
the suspicious activity detected by each solution resides in By choosing the fully-integrated TrustDefender Cybercrime
different silos and does not deliver a comprehensive view, Protection Platform as your solution, you gain the benefits of
making it easier for cybercriminals to slip through the gaps. The unified intelligence, simplified implementation and
TrustDefender Cybercrime Protection Platform provides an management, and better overall coverage. Enterprises will
integrated solution supplementing detection with intelligence experience an increase in productivity by confidently allowing
and analysis from The Network, giving businesses a real-time employees to work remotely using their own devices. Online
view of fraudulent activity on their site. merchants, financial institutions and other businesses will
increase business by authorizing more good customers, while
ThreatMetrix detects web fraud by analyzing online identities screening out fraudsters and criminal activity.
and their associated devices, using anomaly and velocity rules
to make real-time decisions. It builds a comprehensive online �The Best Anti-malware Appliances Solution for 2014� -
persona of each user attempting an online transaction, by CDM

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