Page 55 - CDM Cyber Warnings February 2014
P. 55

AppProtex Cloud Data


The AppProtex Cloud Data Control Gateway is a software The AppProtex Cloud Data Protection Gateway can be deployed
solution that delivers critical data privacy and security in a wide range of configurations with optional server
capabilities to users of public cloud applications. components. The core system in the Gateway is the AppProtex
Server, acting as a forward or a reverse proxy. In addition to
Cloud Discovery monitoring and reporting on cloud use and encrypting and
Discover cloud useAppProtex Discover gives you access to rich, tokenizing data in accordance with an enterprise�s data
detailed information on how applications are being used within protection policies, the AppProtex Server intelligently indexes
your enterprise. Discover who is accessing and updating records encrypted and tokenized data. These indices play a central role
from which locations at any given time. in the gateway�s ability to preserve cloud application
functionality – such as Searching or generating reports – on data
Cloud Analysis that has been protected – even when the strongest data
Analyze Cloud DataAppProtex Analyze enables you to evaluate protection techniques in the industry are used. A management
cloud usage patterns and detect behavior that could represent console permits authorized users to define and maintain data
operational, legal or compliance related risk to the enterprise. discovery, analysis and protection policies.
Track this information over time and use it to ease audit and
compliance related tasks. Why Choose AppProtex�

Cloud Protection ● Strongest Available Cloud Data Control
Protect Cloud DataAppProtex Protect allows enterprises to ● Only Solution That Supports FIPS 140-2 Encryption
secure sensitive data fields via tokenization or encryption (FIPS ● Only Solution with 3rd Party Audited Tokenization Solution
140-2) techniques. With tokenization the data stays on-premise; ● Doesn� t Tie Support of Cloud Application Functionality to
with encryption the keys stay local. And end user functionality the use of Specific Encryption Techniques
like Searching and Sorting on protected data is not impacted. ● Control of Cloud Data Accessed Via Mobile Devices
The AppProtex gateway puts the control that enterprises seek
back into their hands, making their use of the public cloud
�The Best Product in Cloud Security for 2014 � - CDM
completely private.

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