Page 39 - Cyber Defense eMagazine - October 2017
P. 39

Intelligently Developed Assessment for Cyber Training

               By Milica D. Djekic

               The creation of education and training is a quite trickery job requiring a lot of theoretical
               as well as practical skills. Right here, we would try to focus on cyber defense courses
               being the challenges of a modern education. When you are thinking about developing
               the  training  session  in  cybersecurity,  you  should  firstly  pay  attention  to  your  possible
               audience and its needs. The question here would be how deep the pre-knowledge of
               your audience is and what outcomes your training session could cause. If you get an
               opportunity  to  assess  these  two  parameters,  you  would  easily  make  a  chance  to
               improve the quality of your course.

               So, what we would suggest here is that you should start thinking about pre-course and
               post-course  assessments  that  would  offer  you  the  clear  idea  how  your  audience
               responds  to  your  inputs.  Also,  you  could  attempt  to  take  a  survey  and  making  the
               intelligent  questions  estimate  how  well  the  information  you  have  prepared  for  your
               presentation cope with the needs of your audience. The cyber defense courses would
               usually include the interactive classes using IT equipment as a way of transferring the
               knowledge.  If  you  have  in  mind  any  serious  cyber  defense  presentation,  training  or
               course  –  you  should  definitely  rely  on  the  computers  with  the  internet  connection.  In
               such a case, the trainer should use a projector in order to share his screen with the rest
               of the audience. Basically, that’s the situation with the interactive face-to-face courses.
               On  the  other hand,  many  companies  would  invest  their  resources  into  online  training
               solutions and then they would let things go automatically in some sense.

               Anyhow, the pre-course and post-course assessments would get recommended for a
               reason that would offer an opportunity to the presenters to improve their efforts. Also,
               those sorts of assessments could get used to grade the knowledge of the participants
               before and after the session and indicate how quickly the audience could absorb such
               prepared lessons. Finally, the point of this article would be to indicate how important the
               intelligently  developed  assessment  within  the  education  and  training  could  be  in
               increasing the quality of the session itself.

               Anyone  dealing  with  the  preparation  of
               the education and training session would
               claim  that’s  not  the  easy  job.  Either  we
               are  talking  about  the  classical  teaching
               lessons or skillfully prepared courses for
               some  industrial  needs  –  you  would
               always  cope  with  the  same  question
               which  is  how  well  the  knowledge  you
               presented  to  your  audience  could  deal
               with  its  practical  needs.  The  purpose  of
               the  education  is  to  prepare  the  young
               people  for  life  and  their  future  careers.
               Similarly, the role of the business training
                    39   Cyber Defense eMagazine – October 2017 Edition
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