Page 37 - Cyber Defense eMagazine - October 2017
P. 37
How Can Cyber Security Tools Protect Your Business?
Cybersecurity has been a debated issue lately. For businesses, cybersecurity can go a
long way in securing the infrastructure’s integrity. Find out how cybersecurity can help.
The recent years have seen an immense increase in hacking and ransomware attacks
across the globe. While the Internet allows businesses of all sizes and from any
physical location to reach new and larger markets, it has opened an array of
opportunities for evildoers along the way.
Cybersecurity tools have become an essential part of a businesses’ overall integrity as it
ensures the security of the businesses against online attacks. In case a company is
planning on taking up cloud computing or just using email services and keeping up a
website, cybersecurity should be a part of the plan.
Over the years, online theft has become the most regularly reported crime, exceeding
records of physical theft. Security experts in the industry can’t stop emphasizing on the
fact that each online business must use the internet responsibly and must promote the
culture of security within the business that leads to improved firewalls and consumer
confidence in the firm.
Cybersecurity tools have long been in place but have only recently gotten the
widespread coverage due to never-ending online attacks. With attacks like WannaCry,
Shadow Brokers, Petya, amongst others, no business, whether its small scale or a large
entity should afford to ignore cyber security. Just recently, Equifax suffered a massive
data breach causing millions of dollars in damages.
However, all is not lost. If you’re a business owner or in the process of establishing a
business, here are top cybersecurity tools and services which small, medium and large
businesses can use to protect their online business.
1. Establish a secure office hardware
Much is talked about security and online threats. However, more often than not, the
core essence which is the hardware pumping the systems, is ignored time and again.
If you’re a small scale business with around 10-15 employees, you can individually
secure each employee’s laptop. However, if you’ve got a workforce that’s in the
hundreds, it’ll just be convenient for you to establish a secure cloud infrastructure that
can easily protect all the laptops in use by the employees.
37 Cyber Defense eMagazine – October 2017 Edition
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