Page 43 - Cyber Defense eMagazine - October 2017
P. 43

Thinking of switching to a new certificate provider?

               With the sweeping changes being implemented by Google (and Mozilla by extension),
               some companies may be considering making a switch to a new SSL service provider.

               While it’s not necessarily an extremely complex process, it will be necessary to plan this
               out.  It  is  also  strongly  recommended  you  give  yourself  enough  time  to  determine
               whether you want to remain with your current CA, or if you do indeed want to jump to a
               new one.

               If  you’re  strongly  considering  making  a  switch, following  are  some  important  steps  to

               At the outset, it will be important to survey and access your existing certificates, your
               company’s needs as well as your usage. You should also be inventorying everything so
               you know what needs replacing once you decide to make a switch. In addition, it will be
               necessary to identify
                which  of  your  team  members  will  manage  your  new  account.  Making  sure  you  train
               these  individuals  on  the  new  GUI  (Graphical  User  Interface)  is  key,  and  you  should
               factor any training time into your transition timeline.

               Also important during the certificate authority switch is API integration. If you have one
               with your current CA, there will need to be a similar integration with your prospective
               new  CA  who  should  have  satisfactory  API  documentation,  and  be  able  to  provide
               support and guidance throughout the on-boarding process.

               Another critical element in this process will be estimating the costs involved of a switch.
               You should be thinking about everything from capital and operational expenditures to
               annual costs, product definitions and any set-up fees you’ll incur with the new CA.

                    43   Cyber Defense eMagazine – October 2017 Edition
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