Page 91 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Annual RSA Edition for 2024
P. 91

Addressing                         The             Root                Causes                   of


            A Call for Improved Cyber Hygiene

            By Paul Hawkins, CISO, CipherStash

            Ransomware, a nefarious cybersecurity business model, thrives on holding valuable data hostage for
            profit. Victims are coerced into paying ransoms under the threat of data exposure or access denial.
            However, the efficacy of paying such ransoms is dubious,  often resulting in no data restoration and
            leaving victims vulnerable to future threats. In 2023, ransomware accounted for approximately 10% of
            security incidents, according to the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC), with notable global impacts
            across various industries including healthcare, food distribution, and gaming.

            In  response,  some  governments  have  proposed  banning  ransom  payments,  hoping  to  diminish  the
            incentive for cybercriminals. However, merely treating the symptoms by prohibiting payments fails to
            address the root causes of ransomware attacks. To use a healthcare example this is like treating heart
            disease only with a triple bypass, but ignoring the things that lead to the condition. Exercise, healthy
            eating  and  minimizing  alcohol  consumption  are  all  preventative  measures.  We  should  think  of
            ransomware the same way. There needs to be a way to respond, but we should remove the need to
            respond by focusing on prevention.

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