Page 87 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Annual RSA Edition for 2024
P. 87

The XDR vs EDR comparison below details 10 differences to help determine which solution best
            suits your own use case.

            EDR Pros

            When EDR was first introduced to the cybersecurity landscape, its new level of pinpoint accuracy
            augmented existing security capabilities.

            Better than Antivirus

            Traditional antivirus solutions are effective only against known malware strains. EDR’s proactivity
            detects and shuts down zero-day threats before a full-scale breach.

            A forensic team can also use its automated investigation capabilities to determine the extent of a
            previous  attack.  This  detailed  insight  enables  more  effective  remediation  strategies,  including
            isolating infected endpoints and reverting systems to their pre-infection state.

            Integrates with SIEM

            Security  information  and  event  management  (SIEM)  solutions  supplement  EDR  analytics  with
            additional context from across your IT landscape, further addressing threats.

            Can Guarantee Insurance Compliance

            With  increasing  cyber  threats,  cyber  insurers  often  require  customers  to  employ  more  in-depth
            protection than antivirus – making EDR adoption necessary.

            EDR Cons

            While EDR still provides viable cybersecurity for some organizations today, we must investigate its
            suitability in a changing security landscape. The following are common challenges faced by EDR-
            driven teams.

            #1. False Positives

            EDR  solutions,  particularly  those  relying  on  weak  heuristics  and  insufficient  data  modeling,  can
            generate a high number of false positives. This can overwhelm security teams and disguise actual

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