Page 86 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Annual RSA Edition for 2024
P. 86

allowing it to detect more complex, multi-vector attacks that might bypass endpoint-only security

            While EDR is fairly resource-demanding, XDR’s comprehensive approach implements an integrated
            security strategy. Thereby, XDR reduces the administrative burden on security teams by providing
            deeper context and enhanced detection capabilities.

                                           EDR                                     XDR

   Primary Focus                           Identifying endpoint-based threats.     Integrating cross-channel threat detection.

   Data Sources                            Endpoint  device  data  –  including  file  From cloud access logs to email inboxes,
                                           activity,  process  execution,  and  registry  data is collected from endpoints, network,
                                           changes.                                cloud, and communication channels.

   Threat Detection                        Based on endpoint behavior that matches  Correlates  data  across  multiple  layers  of
                                           pre-established indicators of attack.   the  IT  environment  for  more  accurate
                                                                                   behavioral analytics.

   Response Capabilities                   Automatically  isolates  affected  endpoints;  Takes  immediate  contextualized  action,
                                           deploys agents to infected endpoints.   such as snapshots of business-critical data
                                                                                   at early signs of a ransomware attack.

   Analytics and Reporting                 Streamlines  data  investigation,  maps  Uses  threat  intelligence  feeds  to  flag
                                           malicious events with the MITRE ATT&CK  unusual behavior, to create prioritized and
                                           framework.                              actionable reports.

   Visibility                              High visibility into endpoint activities.   Broad   visibility   across   different   IT

   Complexity                              Less complex, focused on endpoints.     More  complex;  integrates  various  data
                                                                                   sources.  Requires  streamlining  of  data
                                                                                   ingestion  across  stakeholders,  APIs,  and

   Integration with Other Tools            Only endpoint-oriented tools.           High  integration  with  a  wide  range  of
                                                                                   security tools.

   Use Case                                Organizations   focusing   on   endpoint  Organizations  seeking  a  holistic  security
                                           security.                               approach.

   Incident Investigation                  Deep investigation at the endpoint level.   Broad investigation capabilities across the
                                                                                   security ecosystem.

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