Page 105 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Annual RSA Edition for 2024
P. 105

Binary Cryptosystem Insights

            By Milica D. Djekic

            The modern cryptographic algorithms deal with a key distribution challenge as something seeking a
            powerful computing capacity and well-developed networking communication which can support such a
            data protection, so far. On the other hand, some of the very first beginnings of the information theory
            technologies are referred to assume an encryption, as well as decryption as a transformation of bits from
            plaintext into ciphertext which gives some results, but usually looks for a shift function being recognized
            as a cryptographic key that is applied in order to for a unique set of inputs get a unique set of outputs
            without any repeating of such transformed information. Apparently, about a decade ago there have come
            some novel findings about the possibilities of the theory of the information suggesting that the borders of
            the  binary  algebra  could  be  moved  a  bit  opening  up  a  truly  new  frontier  to  the  next  generation  of
            researchers, engineers and mathematicians who now can take advantage of the previously undiscovered
            nature of the binary numbers which relying on some symmetry rules and bit’s affirmation or negation can
            contribute in designing of the perfect secrecy cryptosystem, as well as using all those resources for
            making  a  multi-level  encryption  which  will  not  any  longer  re-encrypt  a  file  counting  on  some  key  or
            password, but more likely go from one level of encryption to another smoothly coping with the strong
            crypto-algorithms which do not need any kind of the mathematical shift as such a technical solution being

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