Page 110 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Annual RSA Edition for 2024
P. 110

Anomalous Activity Monitoring and Adaptive Response:

            Adaptive  authentication,  also  known  as  risk-based  authentication,  is  an  intelligent  system  that
            dynamically determines when to step up authentication and request additional factors to prove identity.
            The  system  makes  risk-based  assessments  for  determining  what  level  of  authentication  must  be
            provided, moving towards continuous assessment rather than a user simply authenticating at the start of
            their session.

            Adaptive authentication serves two primary objectives. First, it aims to enhance authentication security
            by eliminating the “break once, run everywhere” scenario, where an attacker gains continuous account
            access by overcoming a single authentication challenge. Secondly, it strikes a balance between security
            and  user  experience.  Since  the  strength  of  authentication  is  often  associated  with  its  duration  or
            complexity, adaptive authentication allows low-risk requests to be granted swiftly without burdening users
            with excessive time-consuming processes.

            Therefore,  implement  monitoring  tools  for  detecting  unusual  MFA  activity  patterns,  with  real-time
            mitigation response to potential threats.

            When  choosing  a  solution  to  help  bolster  your  authentication  and  identity  strategy,  it’s  important  to
            consider that some solutions support a level of FIDO authentication, but still use vulnerable methods as
            fallbacks,  which  attackers  are  quick  to  take  advantage  of.  These  are  neither  fully  passwordless  or
            phishing-resistant MFA.

            Fully passwordless MFA based on FIDO standards meets the definition of phishing resistance set by
            CISA and does not have any secrets that can be phished or intercepted. Truly phishing-resistant MFA
            will support QR code scanning for the strongest protection against MFA fatigue attacks as it eliminates
            the attack vector entirely.

            About the Author

            Bojan Simic is the Co-Founder, CEO and CTO of HYPR. Previously, he served as
            an information security consultant for Fortune 500 enterprises in the financial and
            insurance verticals conducting security architecture reviews, threat modeling, and
            penetration  testing.  Bojan  has  a  passion  for  deploying  applied  cryptography
            implementations  across  security-critical  software  in  both  the  public  and  private
            sectors. His extensive experience in decentralized authentication and cryptography
            has served as the underlying foundation for HYPR technology. Bojan also serves
            as  HYPR’s  delegate  to  the  FIDO  Alliance  board  of  directors,  empowering  the
            alliance’s mission to rid the world of passwords. Follow him on LinkedIn and

            and at our company website

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