Page 106 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Annual RSA Edition for 2024
P. 106

either  software or  hardware  can assist  in  converting  the  information  from  one  shape  to  another  not
            needing any additional data only a number of the levels that must be applied without any need for a shift
            delivery as practically there is no key with such a cryptosystem at all. In this effort, there will be some
            words about how it is feasible to resolve such an engineering project, as well as what has been needed
            to do in order to figure out such world-changing ideas, so far.

            The encryption is a process of transforming a plaintext into ciphertext, while decryption means converting
            ciphertext back into plaintext which gives an open message at both starting point and destination. In
            terms of the binary cryptosystems, it’s all about a transformation of the bits into crypto-bits and reverse
            and as it is well-known there could occur some repeating flaws within a ciphertext that are mainly repaired
            using a mathematical shift function being determined as a cryptographic key. On the other hand, there
            are some symmetric operations among the binary algebra which literally being applied to neighboring
            bits and crypto-bits might produce such a truth table where the outcomes deal with a mirrored horizontal
            line of the symmetry also making some repeating which means either being XORed or XNORed some
            methods of the shifting are needed in order to for a unique set of inputs get a unique set of outputs, so
            far. Indeed, such a symmetry rule is something being well-known in the binary cryptography and with
            itself it brings a lot of headaches how to resolve the encryption key challenges, as well as its distribution.
            Also, if the entire cryptosystem uses some symmetric blocks and single bits in some order being inside
            or outside of the binary spreadsheet it is truly feasible to talk about a strong encryption which does not
            need any shifting mathematics as in such a way it could be possible to address to something the modern
            cryptographers call the perfect secrecy, so far.

            That does not mean a silver bullet is found as it can take the decades to develop such a cryptosystem
            as it is quite challenging to resolve the both encryption and decryption algorithms which must provide a
            unique result at an output. In other words, once  developed such cryptosystem can offer a very high
            degree of the protection, but additionally it is needed to figure out no cryptography is unbreakable - it’s
            also a  matter of  time  and effort  when  skillful  cryptanalyst  will  gain  a plaintext  and  fully  read such a
            transferred message. In such a case, that cryptanalysis could take years, decades and maybe the entire
            centuries and it is obvious that it’s a plenty of time to do anything within a competitive intelligence warfare
            as even to open just one message it will take a heap of time and as it is well-known the time is a money
            and no one has an interest to make such an expensive attempt, so far. Apparently, the next generation
            binary  cryptosystems  could  give  some  hope  about  a  key  delivery  challenge,  as  well  as  any
            synchronization concern for a reason a weapon of tomorrow must be much more sophisticated as it is

            Finally, there is some word about the multi-level encryption which is possible if the overall file is re-
            encrypted a couple of times applying the novel and novel key for making a ciphertext at any stage of
            ciphering and consequently, decrypting such a created ciphertext, so far. With the combination of the
            single and symmetric bits within a series of the information pieces it is possible to go some levels up
            without using any cryptographic key – just a strong cryptosystem algorithm. In addition, it is feasible to
            go the step and step up in order to assure the best possible protection, but also it is needed to develop
            the adequate decryption methodology which can step-by-step and level-down-by-level-down open up
            such an exchanged dataset. In total, there is no an absolute security only the always updating best
            practice with requires a lot of time, effort and hard work in order to remain stuffs being secure as much
            as it is possible as the new generation of anything if on the road of progress and prosperity must be better

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