Page 100 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Annual RSA Edition for 2024
P. 100

Beyond  MFA:  Advanced  Threat  Protection

            Strategies for O365

            By Jagdeep Kochar, CEO, IMS Nucleii

            The number of worldwide Internet users is increasing every minute, and so are cyberattacks. It’s like a
            cat-and-mouse game. Every time security experts think they have it all covered, attackers find a new way
            to break in.
            Cybercrime is at its peak, with more than 343 million victims in 2023 and a record-high 72% surge in data
            breaches between 2021 and 2023.

            With  cybercriminals  devising  increasingly  sophisticated  phishing  and  malware  attacks,  cloud-based
            platforms like Office 365 (O365) are at increased risk. An alarming Kaspersky report revealed a 53%
            jump in cyberattacks using malicious Microsoft Office files in 2023.

            Does your business find it increasingly challenging to secure its data as cyber threats evolve and become
            more adept at bypassing existing defences? If so, it’s high time you implemented advanced cybersecurity
            solutions that keep cybercriminals away.

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