Page 97 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Annual RSA Edition for 2024
P. 97

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European Union law. It gives people more control
            over their personal data. Businesses must be transparent about using this data and get permission from
            individuals before collecting it.

            The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is similar to GDPR but is specific to California. It allows
            California residents to know what personal data companies have about them and to ask for it to be

            Confronting Compliance Challenges

            AI systems often handle a lot of personal information. They can analyze and learn from this data to make
            decisions or offer personalized services. But, if not managed correctly, there's a risk that this personal
            information could be exposed or misused, affecting people's privacy. Additionally, security risks like data
            leaks exist. AI systems are complex and can sometimes have weaknesses that hackers might exploit.
            This could lead to sensitive information being stolen or leaked. With the global average cost of a data
            breach standing at $4.45 million in 2023, most companies can’t afford the risk.

            Another major challenge is the absence of AI-specific security frameworks. Currently, there aren't many
            rules and guidelines specifically designed for AI. This makes it hard for businesses to determine how to
            keep their AI systems safe and compliant. They have to figure out how to apply existing rules to the
            unique situations that AI creates, which can be quite a task. Efforts are being made to develop these AI-
            specific frameworks, but it's a work in progress. Meanwhile, companies using AI must take steps to
            ensure they follow the rules and protect their data.

            Eyeing Ethical Implications

            Ethical  considerations  are  as  important  as  technical  ones,  especially  in  cybersecurity.  AI  can  be  a
            powerful tool for protecting data, but it's vital to use it in a way that is fair and respects people's rights.
            For example, while AI can help spot security threats, it should not invade personal privacy or make
            decisions that could be unfair to specific groups of people. Businesses need to find a balance. They need
            strong  security  policies  that  are  fair  and  respect  ethical  standards  to  maintain  trust  and  ensure  the
            responsible use of AI.

            Crafting Practical Strategies

            For organizations using AI, crafting practical compliance strategies can help them align with regulations
            and protect their data.

            First, updating security policies is key. As AI changes how businesses work, their security policies must
            also change. The policies should cover how AI is used and how to keep data safe to help the business
            stay in line with laws like HIPAA, GDPR, and CCPA.

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