Page 74 - Cyber Defense eMagazine forJune 2021
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can be as simple as a user providing their password, then entering an accompanying numeric
                   code from an SMS text.
               ●  Set  passwords  for  personal  devices –  Personal  devices  are  on  the  rise  in  a  remote-work
                   environment  and  are  particularly  vulnerable  to  data  theft,  so  encourage  your  employees  to
                   password-protect them.
               ●  Change your Wi-Fi password regularly – Remember that potential hackers are often working
                   from home, just like us. If you haven’t updated your Wi-Fi password recently, do it immediately.
               ●  Establish mandatory password rotations – Greatly reduce exploitation of default and easily-
                   guessable employee credentials by making your employees change their passwords regularly.
               ●  Update  your  account  lockout  requirements –  Prevent  brute  force  password  attacks  by
                   immediately locking out access points after several failed login attempts.”

            Jon Clemenson, director, Information Security, TokenEx

            “Despite technology trends moving toward risk-based authentication, passwords are likely to remain in
            play for some time. Considering this, World Password Day provides the perfect opportunity to reiterate
            strong password policies that are vital to both personal and business security. Cybercriminals often reuse
            credentials from password dumps found online, commonly referred to as credential stuffing, to access
            sensitive data. That tactic combined with using simple passwords does not provide appropriate data
            protection. We ask users not to repurpose passwords across websites, and instead, institute lengthy and
            unique complex passwords whenever possible in conjunction with two-factor authentication.

            Further,  malware  and  other  attack  methods  can  completely  bypass  passwords,  which  is  especially
            concerning during remote work. Before cyber thieves can advance on your credentials, we recommend
            using password managers to auto generate strong passwords, or moving to biometric or physical keys
            for  authentication,  which  are  more  secure  than  using  passwords.  For  sensitive  data  like  credit  card
            numbers  or  other  personal  info,  businesses  can  remove  that  data  from  systems  entirely  using
            tokenization.  That  way,  if  a  hacker  does  access  company  systems,  they  won't  steal  any  useful

            Finally, to rise above being a ‘low hanging fruit’ target for a malicious actor, good password hygiene
            practices like not sharing or reusing passwords are vital. Investing the time to take one extra step to
            secure your data is invaluable when compared to the fallout of a data breach.”

            Glenn Veil, VP, engineering, Wisetail

            "Passwords play a critical, ongoing role in different aspects of our lives. In our personal lives, they provide
            a layer of defense against fraud and identity theft. In the workplace, they defend us against a breach of
            sensitive company or customer data. At Wisetail, we implement policies, standards and guidelines around
            credential security, but the key is to create awareness and sensitivity in our employees through education
            and training.

            Here are some tips we recommend to protect yourself and your business from cyberattacks:

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – June 2021 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                74
            Copyright © 2021, Cyber Defense Magazine.  All rights reserved worldwide.
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