Page 77 - Cyber Defense eMagazine forJune 2021
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we’ve dealt with many breaches that occurred this way. It’s a true shame. The best way to avoid this is
            by using a reputable password manager and keeping it locked down. The password manager can handle
            the creation, storage and security of every password you use.

            Lastly,  never  rely  on  your  password  alone.  All  reputable  platforms  today  should  support  multi-factor
            authentication. We should be religious about this.

            If you’ll follow these three things, your life with passwords will be much better. And perhaps one day, we’ll
            get rid of this pesky, broken system for good.”

            Ralph Pisani, president, Exabeam

            “World Password Day 2021 is more important than ever as organizations grapple with the new reality of
            ‘work from anywhere’ and the fast adoption of the hybrid workplace trend. Cybercriminals will capitalize
            on  any  opportunity  to  collect  credentials  from  unsuspecting  victims.  Just  recently,  scammers  began
            preying on people eagerly awaiting vaccinations or plans to return to the office as a means to swipe their
            personal data and logins, for instance.

            The most common attack technique that I often see in the breach reports that I read is stolen credentials.
            This  is  a  never  ending  battle  between  the  security  industry  and  cybercriminals,  but  there  are  ways
            organizations can protect themselves against credential theft.

            Through a mix of educating staff on complex password best practices, security awareness training and
            investing  in  machine  learning-based  security  analytics  tools,  organizations  can  make  it  much  more
            difficult for digital adversaries to utilize their employees’ usernames and passwords for personal gain.
            Behavioral  analytics  tools  can  swiftly  flag  when  a  legitimate  user  is  exhibiting  anomalous  behavior
            indicative of compromised credentials. This approach provides greater insights to SOC analysts about
            both the impacted and malicious user, which results in a faster response incident time and the ability to
            stop adversaries in their tracks, before they can do damage.

            The pandemic increased the velocity of digital transformation, and cybercriminals are clearly becoming
            more  advanced  in  parallel.  Thus,  we  must  stay  hyper  vigilant  in  protecting  credentials  this  World
            Password Day and beyond.”

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – June 2021 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                77
            Copyright © 2021, Cyber Defense Magazine.  All rights reserved worldwide.
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