Page 69 - Cyber Defense eMagazine forJune 2021
P. 69


            Planning for ICS Security needs to start with an understanding of the different objectives held by those
            responsible  for  the  safety  and  security  of  Operational  Technology,  and  of  those  concerned  with
            Information Technology, as well as their differing priorities and the implications of these. Make operational
            and cyber resilience a common task and goal for all.
            The  security  priorities  along  which  OT  and  IT  are  organized  quite  often  are  the  root  cause  for
            misconceptions, misunderstandings, and incomplete guidelines. As a kind of worst case, the attempt to
            force IT rules on OT devices can be devastating (try to roll out a patch to an embedded device providing
            a real-time control function for an industrial furnace in a Chemical Plant just because it is Patch Tuesday).

            OT focusses on control and availability as the top priorities and confidentiality as the least, in contrast to
            the known C-I-A triad of priorities, holding confidentiality as paramount.
            Similarly, there needs to be regular information exchanges among all stakeholders about new threats,
            new processes, new or changed assets and applications. The key aspect of these regular reviews is to
            share an understanding of any changes to the business as a whole. A new production line improving the
            efficiency of a plant can be rendered vulnerable if its connections to the maintenance provider is unknown
            or undocumented.

            In  addition,  establish  guidance  for  the  ‘emergency  case’  that  reflects  tasks  and  responsibilities  for
            systems, assets, and processes. Communication chains and loops will have to be prepared as well.


            With the planning and preparation in mind, get some threat & vulnerability intelligence in place. Use
            CISA’s ICS alerts and advisories (you can find them here as well) and other additional sources about
            vulnerabilities discovered, whether in IT or in OT devices. This intelligence will help you with the daily
            task of what to look out for. Share experience with industry peers and your supply-chain and learn from
            them by participating in regular exchanges.
            Depending on your infrastructure, you can use a good vulnerability scanner to detect any existence of
            vulnerabilities listed in the a.m. threat intelligence sources. Caution is advised when doing so, as for some
            OT equipment network scanning is not suitable. Use this combined knowledge (vulnerabilities and threat
            intel) to establish a Secure Baseline configuration for devices, where the latest firmware / software is
            installed with any recommended patches.

            Generate  shared  internal  knowledge  about  all  assets,  whether  IT  or  OT,  involved  in  the  business
            processes of your organization, how they interact and communicate. Find out which one depends on
            others or provides vital output to other OT machinery so to identify about critical overlapping paths in data
            flow and material flow. Again, this knowledge of essential communication paths should also become part
            of the Secure Baseline, with only approved network-accessible ports permitted for each class of device.
            Map out the communication network, with an overlay of the business process. If it is not possible for all,
            do it for the critical ones, those that have to be kept running – even if degraded – for the company to
            continue to generate its output of products and or services. Assign checkpoints to that map and what
            should be verified at each of these points.

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – June 2021 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                69
            Copyright © 2021, Cyber Defense Magazine.  All rights reserved worldwide.
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