Page 65 - Cyber Defense eMagazine forJune 2021
P. 65

Penetration testing essence

            Being one of the most sought-after QA types nowadays, penetration testing serves to uncover security
            vulnerabilities,  safeguard  sensitive  clients’  data, and minimize  any  application  risks,  which directly
            increases brand image and boosts client retention rates.
            Unlike  ethical  hacking, certified  specialists perform these  verifications, smoothly  spot  diverse  solution
            weaknesses, and will never behave in a way “black-hat” hackers act, probing companies’ systems and
            applying obtained data for criminal gain.

            Penetration testing role for business: 4 major benefits
            So,  what  are  the  major perks of implementing  ongoing  penetration  testing? There  are at
            least four advantages that may change business workflows for the better:
                1.  Prevent any damage  to public  image  or loss  of money. In  addition  to reputational damage led
                by an extensive  decrease in customer  base,  companies  may lose  tremendous  sums  of
                money by paying multi-thousand ransoms for the attackers to keep the business.
                2.  Enable business resilience. Serious hacks of malicious users can briskly lead to dissolving any
                activities. Without timely     detecting and        troubleshooting       existing       security
                loopholes, organizations may experience a continuous exposure to high-level risks.

                3.  Save a  great  deal  of  time  that  could  be otherwise spent  on  recuperation.  Recovery
                procedure after being subjected to a cyberattack is a time- and effort-consuming process fraught with
                challenges like a significant decrease in operational capabilities for many months thereafter.

                4.  Attain compliance with strict regulations. International standards may impose monthly penalties in
                case  of inconsistency  with set requirements. In  addition,  PCI  DSS  states  that it’s  vital  to
                fulfill penetration  testing  both  annually  and  after  any  considerable  changes  introduced  to  the

            When to conduct penetration testing?
            Unfortunately,  organizations remember to  carry  out this  activity  when  it’s  too  late,  and  a  breach  has
            already occurred, thereby extending a virus within a company or stealing highly sensitive data.
            To prevent this  devastating  scenario from  taking  place,  broad-minded  companies  involve  penetration
            testing experts each time they plan to release an application, introduce substantial modifications, apply
            new  security  patches,  or  pass  the  analysis  scheduled  by  the  demands  of  diverse  international

            3 approaches to performing penetration testing

            Depending on whether the QA engineers possess a profound knowledge of the solution under test or
            have to explore this data on their own, let’s determine 3 techniques used to fulfill these verifications and
            boost organizational security:
                1.  Black-box testing. In the scope of quality assurance activities, the engineer has no or little data
                on the client’s software and has to discover the ways  of entering system infrastructure. It allows

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – June 2021 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                65
            Copyright © 2021, Cyber Defense Magazine.  All rights reserved worldwide.
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