Page 199 - Cyber Defense eMagazine July 2024
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while  driving  user-based  cyber  hygiene  behavior.  Businesses  can  manage  their  data  footprint  to  an
            intentionally decided upon amount of value (baseline) and empower the team to manage to that value.

            Ransomware  has become  one of the most dreaded forms of cybercrime.  Once considered  a separate
            issue  from  data  breaches,  the  two  have  now  converged.  Over  the  past  year,  cybercriminals  have
            increasingly used data breaches as extortion, threatening to leak sensitive information  unless a ransom
            is paid.  This  change  in tactics  has  made  it even  more  critical  for  businesses  to have  comprehensive
            cybersecurity  measures  in  place.  By  inspiring  action  and  behavior  changes,  our  tool  helps  mitigate
            damage if an attack occurs, giving business leaders the confidence to operate without the constant fear
            of a cyber incident.

            By offering targeted device coverage and the ability for cyber risk carriers to insure specific departments,
            our  innovative  approach  to surfacing  detailed  underwriting  information  for  cyber  insurance  provides  a
            much-needed  solution  in  an  uncertain  digital-first  world.  Businesses  can  no  longer  afford  to  view
            cybersecurity  as  a  secondary  concern.  With  our  tool,  you  can  implement  a holistic  multi-tiered  cyber
            defense strategy that ensures your organization has the appropriate protocols in place.

            Dan: What does Gartner say about you?  Why?

            We have not yet engaged in analyst relationships,  yet, but we are open to it.

            Dan: Why is your solution better?

            The  state  of  today’s  cybersecurity  policy  underwriting  involves  a series  of  questions,  attestation,  and
            possibly interviews focused on operational  processes and procedures.  This is an analog approach to a
            digital problem. RiskAware helps identify sensitive information and quantifies its value.

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – July 2024 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          199
            Copyright © 2024, Cyber Defense Magazine. All rights reserved worldwide.
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