Page 204 - Cyber Defense eMagazine July 2024
P. 204

Rsa  Conference  2024  Highlights:  Cutting-Edge Cybersecurity


            AI in Action: Real-World Breakthroughs and Innovations

            By Samridhi Agarwal, Masters Student, CMU

            Attending  the RSA  Conference  for the first time was  an incredible  experience!  Ever since  I began my
            journey  in cybersecurity,  attending  the  RSA  Conference  had  been  a major  goal.  The  excitement  still
            hasn't  worn  off—RSA  week  was  truly  amazing.  Having  a  press  pass  was  a highlight,  allowing  me to
            interact with CISOs, CTOs, CEOs, and other leaders from cutting-edge cybersecurity organizations. The
            conversations were eye-opening and deeply motivating, reinforcing my passion for cybersecurity and the
            collective effort of thousands of organizations working to safeguard our data.

            The conference featured an impressive lineup of speakers, and as soon as I got the schedule booklet, I
            plunged into planning mode. Everything sounded fascinating, and I wanted to attend as much as possible
            during those four days. Balancing my time between the Expo, speaker sessions, and networking events,
            I  met  incredible  people  and  learned  about  their  groundbreaking  work  and  organizations.  A  few
            organizations  particularly stood out for their innovative contributions to the field. In this trip report, I'll be
            giving a shoutout to these organizations and the amazing people behind their work.

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – July 2024 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          204
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