Page 198 - Cyber Defense eMagazine July 2024
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Simply put: Do you know how much sensitive information you have and how much it would cost if it were
            found outside your custody?  Riskassure does.

            Several years ago, we identified a significant data deficiency in the cyber insurance underwriting space.
            We believe  that businesses  and insurance  companies  need to understand  the amount or value of the
            data they want to insure or protect. With today’s standard practices and available tools, at best, they are
            guessing the appropriate amount of insurance coverage they need. This uncertainty has resulted in many
            businesses needing help to obtain cyber insurance or in being drastically under- or over-insured.

            RiskAssure’s  work  has  identified  a substantial  amount  of  “off-balance  sheet”  liability  that  businesses
            maintain in the form of sensitive information value, should their data be breached and found outside their
            custody by regulators.

            To address this issue, we developed RiskAware, which can be installed for free, or with a nominal annual
            per-device cost for our most frequent and robust reporting features. All subscription types can be mixed
            and  matched  to  cover  your  specific  needs  and  budget.  Our  solution,  designed  with  simplicity  and
            affordability in mind, helps you scan every machine it is installed on, identifying every instance of PII and
            PHI  and  calculating  the  precise  finable  value  of  that  data  down  to  the  penny.  Depending  on  the
            subscription  level,  our  software  can  perform  scans  every  six  months,  weekly,  or  in  real-time,  giving
            business  leaders  control  over  their  data  valuation  and  protection  level.  We’re  balancing  scanning
            frequency,  which  increases  computational  cost,  against  budget,  making  our  solution  extraordinarily
            accessible and affordable to every business size. This granular resolution down to the device level gives
            insurance  underwriters  the ability to deliver  unique and  innovative  insurance  products  like key-device,
            department-level  or even variable cyber policies rather than today’s ‘all-or-nothing’ offerings.

            RiskAware  also identifies duplicates  of sensitive information  (files) and local repositories  of cloud files,
            and provides precise file path locations that enables users to find and delete data that is less frequently
            used. It includes capabilities for detecting anomalous activity, such as significant movements of sensitive
            data on  and off a monitored  device,  and alerts  users  to potential  issues. Fully  secure  and end-to-end
            encrypted,  our  solution  does not  duplicate  data or create  additional  potential  breach liability,  ensuring
            that data transmission is completely protected.

            Dan: What is the nature of the problem you solve?  What should we be worried about?

            In  today's  digital  landscape,  cybersecurity  fears  are  at  an  all-time  high,  with  the  frequency  and
            sophistication of cyberattacks continually rising. RiskAware directly addresses these concerns, providing
            robust  analysis  and  a much-needed  peace  of  mind.  The total  cost  of cybercrime  globally  reached  $8
            trillion in 2023 — and is predicted to hit $10.5 trillion by 2025, per the 2023 Ipsos Poll. Furthermore, the
            global average cost of a single data breach is at $4.45M, according to IBM. These attacks not only cause
            immediate financial damage but also inflict long-term reputational harm.

            Our  solution  not  only  empowers  carrier  underwriters  up-front  during  a  discovery  and  underwriting
            process, but also empowers business leaders on an ongoing basis by offering continuous monitoring and
            real-time  updates  on  the  volume  and  value  of  a  company's  sensitive  data.  This  proactive  approach
            ensures that they are always prepared and protected, putting them in control of their sensitive information

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – July 2024 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          198
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