Page 155 - Cyber Defense eMagazine July 2024
P. 155

CEO and Customer quote:

            “Oleria was created by security operators for operators to propel identity security forward, eliminating the
            restrictive limitations  of legacy IAM technology  and their related manual intensive  processes,” said Jim
            Alkove, co-founder and CEO of Oleria. “We’ve built the first adaptive identity security product to provide
            visibility  to  both  centrally  provisioned  and  de-centrally  provisioned  access,  as  well  as  fine-grained
            individual permissions and usage insights.”

            “We  began seeing  value  quickly  after  implementing  Oleria Adaptive  Security.  I was impressed  by the
            comprehensive  visibility  we  had  into  our  access,  including  over-provisioned  accounts,  unintended
            access, and our coverage of multi-factor authentication. Oleria’s simple user-friendly experience gave us
            both clarity and direction  on where to focus our efforts and the tools to easily detect access issues.”   -
            Mark Carter, CIO and CISO of Vimeo

            Elevator pitch:

            Today's  identity  technologies  are  holding  businesses  back.  We  started  Oleria  because  we  believe
            enterprises shouldn't have to choose between business agility and security.

            Today’s  approaches  fail  to  reduce  the  significant  security  risks  caused  by  over-provisioned  and
            misconfigured  access,  while  costing  us  all  the  fortune  to  manage  access  using  multiple  tools  and
            enormous human effort.

            At  Oleria,  we're  building  a  solution  in  the  cloud  to  get  all  your  access  in  one  place  adaptively  and
            autonomously. Oleria Adaptive Security provides first-of-its-kind access visibility across centrally and de-
            centrally managed applications  and into access usage across all resources  – allowing CISOs and their
            teams to finally answer the critical questions: Who has access to what? Where did they get it? How are
            they using it?

            What does Gartner say about you?  Why?

            Gartner  analysts  have  been  actively  engaged  with  Oleria,  but  nothing  has  yet  been  published  about
            Oleria. We anticipate some exciting news on this front later this year.

            Who are your competitors?

            Oleria’s biggest  competitor  today is the status quo. While the issues we are solving  have been painful
            and  persistent  for years,  no  one has  yet been  able  to deliver  a solution.   So,  CISOs  and their  teams
            spend countless hours and resources trying to combat the ever-growing  threat of access-related  cyber
            breaches  leveraging  a  combination  of legacy  identity  and  access  management  systems  coupled  with
            significant manual administration and intervention and are not equipped for today’s threat environment.

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – July 2024 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          155
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