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of  legacy  Identity  and  Access  Management  (IAM)  systems  which  rely  on  manual,  costly  and  time-
            intensive workflows.

            Oleria solves for this problem by providing enterprises  with adaptive  and autonomous  identity security.
            Our product, Oleria Adaptive Security, provides first-of-its-kind fine-grained  access visibility and access
            usage  at  an  individual  resource  level  –  allowing  CISOs  and  their  teams  to  finally  answer  the  critical
            questions: Who has access to what? How did they get it? What are they doing with it?

            Oleria  fills  a  critical  gap  for  security  teams  by  bringing  together  organization-wide  access  into  a
            comprehensive access graph powered by the Oleria TrustFusion Platform. Our adaptive solution enables
            organizations to ensure that users have the right access at the right time only as long as they need it, so
            organizations can reduce risk, ensure compliance and reduce the cost of managing access.

            Cybercrime statistics on the problem you solve:

            In the past year, we have seen a 71% increase in identity-related attacks. Incidents with Midnight Blizzard,
            Snowflake,  SEC and Mandiant,  all stemmed  from issues with MFA coverage  gaps.  With the rise of AI
            and decentralized  SaaS  applications,  the volume  of cyber-attacks  continues  to increase,  costing  U.S.
            companies an average of $9.48 million per breach.

            Despite this, the majority of organizations (66%) are not investing enough in IAM according to Gartner.
            This  is  particularly  alarming  when  you  consider  that  80%  of  all  breaches  today  use  compromised

            The reality is today most CISOs and security teams are not equipped to deal with identity access related
            security threats  – with many  leveraging legacy  security solutions  that require manual,  costly and time-
            intensive  work  flows. At  the same time  Microsoft  reports  that 95%  of access  goes unused.  While  this
            over-provisioned  access  provides  no  real  value  to  the  organization  or  the  user,  it  provides  an
            unnecessarily large attack surface for a bad actor that accesses any such account.

            Oleria Adaptive Security product solves this problem for security teams by giving full clarity and control
            of access in a single view with unparalleled insights.


            Cyber Defense eMagazine – July 2024 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          154
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