Page 153 - Cyber Defense eMagazine July 2024
P. 153

Spotlight on Oleria

            By Dan K. Anderson vCISO and On-Call Roving Reporter, CyberDefense Magazine

            Q&A with OIeria CEO Jim Alkove:

            Identity is the keystone to the future of cybersecurity and a critical area for companies to focus on because
            it's where attackers are moving. Today 80% of all breaches involve compromised identities. Abusing valid
            accounts is also cybercriminals’  most common entry point.

            Essentially, attackers  are no longer just hacking in – they’re logging in. And they are doing so because
            identity  security  is  one  of  the  most  challenging  and  under-funded  areas  of  cybersecurity,  leveraging
            legacy systems that can’t keep up with today’s modern cloud- and SaaS- centric organizations.

            Even with a large budget and security team, it was difficult for me as a CISO to answer the questions of
            who has access to what, how that access was obtained, and how it's being utilized. This gap is one of
            the biggest  weaknesses  facing  organizations  today,  so it’s no wonder  that bad actors have  chosen to
            focus here. Security teams are challenged by the lack of access visibility and control due to the limitations

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – July 2024 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          153
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