Page 142 - Cyber Defense eMagazine July 2024
P. 142

Remain compliant

            Compliance standards and regulations are something every enterprise must abide by and there’s a whole
            alphabet  soup  of  different  kinds  of  industry-specific  compliance  regulations  to  be  mindful  of  such  as
            HIPAA, GDPR, FINRA and JCI. As these set of standards evolve each year to adapt to the current threat
            landscape, enterprises  have a responsibility to remain up to date with the latest compliance standards.
            Oftentimes,  compliance  violations occur following  the sharing of unauthorized  information  on unsecure
            messaging  platforms.  These  violations  could  be  detrimental  to  a  company’s  financial  status,  client
            relationships and reputation.

            These days,  business  leaders are aware  of the growing  frequency  of data breaches  and cyberattacks
            and are concerned that they aren’t prepared enough to handle such situations. It is a team effort to secure
            an  entire  organization  but  with  these  kinds  of  practices  and  defenses  in  place,  the  risk  should  be
            extremely less.

            About the Author

            Anurag  Lal  is  the  President  and  CEO  of NetSfere.  With  more
            than  25  years  of  experience  in  technology,  cybersecurity,
            ransomware,  broadband  and mobile  security  services,  Anurag
            leads a team of talented innovators who are creating secure and
            trusted  enterprise-grade  workplace  communication  technology
            to equip the enterprise  with world-class  secure  communication
            solutions.  Lal is an expert  on global cybersecurity  innovations,
            policies, and risks.

            Previously  Lal  was appointed  by  the  Obama  administration  to
            serve  as Director  of the U.S.  National  Broadband  Task  Force.
            His  resume  includes  time  at  Meru,  iPass,  British  Telecom  and Sprint  in leadership  positions.  Lal  has
            received various  industry accolades  including  recognition by the Wireless Broadband  Industry Alliance
            in the U.K. Lal holds a B.A. in Economics from Delhi University and is based in Washington, D.C. Anurag
            can be reached online at @anuragl and

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – July 2024 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          142
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