Page 145 - Cyber Defense eMagazine July 2024
P. 145

Identifying Emerging Cyber Risks

            In the fast-paced cybersecurity landscape, organizations must also be well-educated on emerging cyber
            trends and associated risks their organizations may be susceptible to. The development of generative AI
            technology  presents new risks and data privacy concerns that companies of all sizes and all industries
            must proactively  address. For example,  cybercriminals  are increasingly  using phishing campaigns  and
            deepfakes  to target vulnerable  employees  and gain access to a company’s  system and steal sensitive

            Organizations  must  quickly  harness  generative  AI  before  threat  actors  can  use  it to  their  advantage.
            Navigating  these  developments  necessitates  the  formulation  of  comprehensive  policies  and  diligent
            education initiatives to ensure safe and responsible utilization of AI tools.

            Security leaders should create an acceptable use policy for AI within the organization and communicate
            to all levels of the organization.  If employees  are not properly guided on how to use AI tools, there is a
            risk of losing control over the organization’s data and creating an insider threat or a vulnerability for bad
            actors  to  exploit.  Establishing  clear  guidelines  and  guardrails  ensures  that  employees  can  use  AI
            productively while maintaining data security.

            Organizations must embrace a proactive security approach that includes risk and threat management in
            order to transcend reactive tactics. The ability to adjust and take preventative  action will be essential to
            resilience in the face of a future potential cyber-attack.  Those that fail to prioritize both risk assessment
            and threat mitigation will fall behind in the rapidly evolving digital world.

            About the Author

            George  Jones,  Chief  Information  Officer,  Critical  Start:  In  his  role  as  the  CISO,
            George defines and drives the strategic direction of corporate IT, information security
            and compliance initiatives for the Critical Start, while ensuring adherence and delivery
            to the firm’s massive growth plans. George was most recently the Head of Information
            Security  and Infrastructure  at Catalyst  Health  Group, responsible  for all compliance
            efforts  (NIST,  PCI,  HITRUST,  SOC2)  as  well  as  vendor  management  for  security-
            based programs.  George  brings more  than 20 years of experience  with technology,
            infrastructure, compliance, and assessment in multiple roles across different business
            verticals. Recently as Chief Information Officer and Founder of J-II Consulting Group,
            a  security  &  compliance  consultancy,  George  was  responsible  for  the  design  and  implementation  of
            security and compliance  programs for various  organizations.  He also delivered programs  to implement
            Agile  methodologies,  DevSecOps  programs,  and  Information  Security  Policy  and  Procedure
            Plans.  During his time at Atlas Technical  Consultants,  George  drove multiple  M&A due diligence  and
            integration efforts, consolidating nine acquired business units into a single operating entity, enabling the
            organization to leverage greater economies of scale and more efficient operations.

            George grew up in Austin and is a recent transplant to the Plano area. He attended Texas A&M University
            and graduated Magna Cum Laude from St. Edward’s University.

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – July 2024 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          145
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