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Another  significant  vulnerability  of  SMS-based  MFA  is  SIM  swapping.  In  this  type  of  attack,  a
            cybercriminal convinces a mobile carrier to transfer the victim's phone number to a new SIM card. Once
            the  transfer  is  complete,  the  attacker  receives  all  SMS  messages  intended  for  the  victim,  including
            authentication codes. This bypasses the MFA protection entirely.

            As these well-known methods demonstrate,  hackers easily gain access to accounts today knowing that
            a user will have legacy MFA that is now all too easy to get past.

            The Rise of Next generation MFA Solutions

            To address the shortcomings of legacy MFA, modern MFA solutions have emerged, leveraging advanced
            technologies and context-aware mechanisms to provide robust security.

            Biometric  authentication,  such  as  fingerprint,  facial  recognition,  and  iris  scans,  offers  a  substantially
            higher level of security than traditional methods. Biometrics are unique to each individual and are difficult
            to replicate, making it much harder for attackers to bypass. Moreover, FIDO2 biometric devices keep the
            human out of the picture – meaning there is no code to hand over, no second app to click.

            A wearable  biometric authenticator  guarantees  that the wearer is the actual approved user. And in the
            case  of  a social  engineering  hack,  the user  would  have  no code  to  provide  since  a biometric  device
            should ideally have no user readout. Nothing to hand over to a bad actor. And wearables are convenient
            and easy to use.

            AI  generated  phishing  attacks  and  MFA  fatigue  attacks  do  not  thwart  next  generation  MFA  and  only
            reinforce the need for immediate change.

            With the rise of AI generated deepfakes, we are entering a world where that person you see and hear on
            Zoom  or  Teams  may  or  may  not  be  your  actual  boss.  Next  generation  biometric  MFA  will  become
            standard issue to be sure that the people on the call ARE who they say they are, and a wearable device
            locked to one’s fingerprint (for example) will be required to continue the conversation.  Since image and
            voice will not be enough to guarantee identity.

            The Future of MFA

            The future of MFA lies in embracing these modern biometric solutions and moving away from outdated,
            vulnerable methods. Organizations must adopt a proactive approach to cybersecurity, implementing MFA
            solutions that are resilient against evolving threats. This involves not only upgrading technology but also
            educating users on the importance of robust authentication practices.

            Next generation  MFA is a critical  component  of the  Zero Trust  security  model, which  operates  on the
            principle of "never trust, always verify." In a Zero Trust architecture, continuous verification is required for
            all users, devices, and applications, ensuring that only authorized entities can access sensitive resources.
            By integrating next gen MFA into a Zero Trust framework,  organizations can significantly enhance their
            security posture.

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – July 2024 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          138
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