Page 122 - Cyber Defense eMagazine July 2024
P. 122

to govern interconnected  devices communicating  with each other and as it is well-known, the internet is
            a critical infrastructure  which provides  an access to many  literally getting them exposed  to any kind of
            the high-tech operations that can affect the entire objects and their networks.

            Indeed, if it is coped with a security challenge, a logical thought could be how such a risk could be avoided
            or  mitigated  giving  new  sorts  of the  requirements  to  engineering  teams  worldwide  in regard  to  better
            assurance  of  those  being  the  consumers  of  such  products  and  services  which  have  opened  a  new
            question and that is a transition from an unsafe to safe exploitation  of the emerging technological  ideas
            and their brainstorming  pillars.

            At the beginning of any project, it is important to define some initial requirements which might contribute
            to better quality,  reliability  and security  of the final  technological  solution  that should  capture  all inner,
            outer and combined challenges being part of any technical system, so far. The IoT is a paradigm that still
            needs to be smartly used as those inventing such a technology have been in a search for an answer to
            the  previous  engineering  challenge  and  that  has been  some  resources  shortage  across  the world.  In
            other words, at that time the humankind has looked for a response to that challenge equally trying hard
            to provide something economically  suitable which will from a business perspective have a marketplace
            as cost-effectiveness  with the functionality are the main demands of an optimal approach.

            About a couple of decades ago, when the IoT has started it was quite obvious that for such a time a well-
            developed  and implied Wi-Fi communication  could make a great job which  was the fact then, but only
            after a few years many have become aware that such a digital transformation has a plenty of weaknesses
            that could affect lives and businesses of a lot of people over the globe.

            The current tendency suggests that the IoT is a well-accepted concept nowadays even if there are yet a
            heap of vulnerabilities  with such an opportunity  and apart from so with new innovations  those  barriers
            could be removed as if it is imagined that an information  exchange between devices  is sensitive to the
            hacker’s attacks certainly some of the high-tech defense techniques and tactics could be applied in order
            to mitigate any threat which is not anyhow annoying as a wheel of the history goes forward and even the
            modern  technologies  are just a phase  of the  development  in an  overall progress  and evolution  of the
            human beings across the planet.

            Apparently, one engineering challenge is well-tackled and truly the IoT might offer a plenty of options and
            from such a reason it should not be excluded like that as it can additionally bring a lot of false positives
            as its false negatives should be assumed as some concerns being such an expected in a world of math
            and  science  and undoubtedly  the clever  minds  which  has resolved  one  engineering  challenge  will be
            capable to proceed with the next maybe not in an ongoing generation of the technological development,
            but more likely with the future collection of talents in an area of science and technology.

            The mindful individuals throughout history have always dealt with the rational decisions providing to their
            environments  a true knowledge  and in a case of the engineering  stuffs which will literally work and be
            based on the rigid scientific  findings and evidence.  Further, a real scientific thought  will not hesitate to
            give  an  accuracy  and  those  who  have  left  a track  in an  arena  of  the math  and  science  have  always
            avoided  all  those  oversufficient  speculations  which  might  destroy  the  beauties  the  human  mind  has
            created during the time as only if it is coped with the pragmatic facts some dangerous mistakes could be

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – July 2024 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          122
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