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simplest tampering methods. Many companies misunderstand  this and end up with a solution that gives
            them a false sense of security.

            But  even device  fingerprinting  solutions  that are  purpose-built  for  fraud prevention  have  become  less
            effective  over  the  last  few years.  The  big  operating  systems  have  limited  the  way  third-party  solution
            providers can use device data, making it even more difficult for traditional device fingerprinting solutions
            to identify new and returning devices.

            Fraudsters have also become increasingly sophisticated. They leverage advanced tools and tactics, like
            emulators, a device that enables them to tamper with apps in a synthetic environment, app cloners, and
            reset schemes to manipulate  or disguise device attributes. For example, fraudsters will perform factory
            resets or reinstall apps, effectively creating  a "new" device in the eyes of basic fingerprinting  solutions.
            These  “new”  devices  create  “new”  accounts  that  bad  actors  use  to  carry  out  scams  at scale  without

            At this point, fraud teams are effectively flying blind. They might see 30 new accounts when, in fact, they
            have  all  been  created  by  the  same  user  from  the  same  device.  Without  reliable  device  identification
            capabilities, apps are significantly disadvantaged in their fight against fraud.

            The advantages of a modern approach

            Modern device fingerprinting solutions are purpose-built for fraud and risk management.  Many of these
            approaches  are  intentionally  cookieless,  making  them much  more stable  and immune  to manipulation
            techniques  like cookie  theft.  By  focusing  on high-quality  data  signals,  not  personal  information,  these
            solutions provide a much higher device recognition rate and remain privacy-centric.

            Next-generation device fingerprinting solutions, like the one developed by Incognia, take a new approach
            to device identification.  By adding new layers, like advanced tamper detection and location intelligence,
            modern device recognition solutions are more reliable and provide greater accuracy.

            Here’s what you should look out for when evaluating device fingerprinting  solutions:

            1.  Tamper  detection:  Advanced  tamper  detection  mechanisms  identify  and  thwart  attempts  to  mask
            device identity, ensuring that even sophisticated fraud attempts are detected.

            2. High device recognition rate: Modern device fingerprinting technologies are designed to persist against
            common  fraud  tactics  such  as  factory  resets,  app  reinstalls,  and  emulators  or  app  cloners.  Location
            intelligence adds an additional layer of security. By analyzing location patterns, unexpected relationships
            between devices and accounts often emerge, revealing risky behavior.

            3. Built-in risk analysis: Recognizing a device as new or returning is only half the battle. How do you know
            if it is risky or not? Look for solutions that provide you with risk analysis so that you can take action. A
            solution that combines hard-coded rules and machine learning models that adapt to new fraud gives you
            the most comprehensive  and actionable solution.

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – July 2024 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          119
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