Page 63 - Cyber Defense eMagazine for July 2020
P. 63

Managing Small Business Cybersecurity During Covid-19

                                               By Bill DeLisi, CEO of GOFBA

            Small businesses are undertaking extraordinary changes during the coronavirus epidemic. They’re
            laying off staff, shifting their business models, and managing the challenges of remote work. The pace
            of the stay-at-home orders and the abrupt halt of the economy required small businesses to move
            quickly. States are in the midst of gradually reopening, but many smaller firms will continue to face
            impactful challenges for the rest of the year and beyond. In addition to the safety and health issue
            concerns, small firms are also facing cybersecurity risks.

            Compared to enterprise-level firms, small businesses do not possess massive IT budgets to confront
            threats. Large firms have capital to weather business interruptions that might come from data breaches.
            Small businesses are already devastated during COVID-19, they can’t risk losing data and being offline
            for even a day. And there’s the PR hit that comes with a data breach event. A small firm cannot likely
            survive a breach, especially in the current economy where competition for dollars is at a premium.

            Unfortunately, there’s many bad actors out there. Cybersecurity hacking attempts are rising during the
            COVID-19 pandemic, as hackers prey on fear and uncertainty. To that end, here are three of the most
            persistent and damaging COVID-19 driven security threats for small business, along with some tips for
            mitigating the risks.

            1. Stop Malware in its Tracks

            Malware encompasses spyware, viruses, trojans, and other tools hackers use to infect computers. The
            actual programs live on attachments and within software such as PDF viewers. Staff members must avoid
            downloading unapproved programs and understand the types of actions that can lead to malware.

            Cyber Defense eMagazine –July 2020 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                                         63
            Copyright © 2020, Cyber Defense Magazine.  All rights reserved worldwide.
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