Page 65 - Cyber Defense eMagazine for July 2020
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There are multiple risks when employees use their own devices for work. Since they’re at home and
            comfortable with their phone and laptop, many users will engage in riskier searches and look at sites
            they’d never consider at the workplace. These sites increase exposure to malware, which then puts the
            connected company networks at risk.

            Small businesses must take the time to implement personal device policies. This includes detailing how
            employees are accessing and storing company data. For example, are staff saving information to their
            laptops? Are they using unsecured cloud storage through Google or Dropbox instead of the corporate
            cloud? Do employees use strong two-factor passwords? What happens with data access when a remote
            worker leaves a company? A formal plan is essential for protecting both the company and the employees.

            Companies must strike a balance during this work-from-home period. They need to protect their data
            through rules and processes while also giving staff enough flexibility to access needed information. There
            are also privacy considerations in play. Small business owners must understand the employee’s family
            members are also using the home Wi-Fi, so there’s only so much control the owners can exert. A solid
            approach  for  remote  workers  is  to  create  formal  guidelines  to  include  mobile  device  management
            software that automates updates, features virus detection, and gives employees limited control. The key
            is transparency. Both the employee and employer are on the same page regarding expectations and
            rules. And as the pandemic eases in some areas, business owners must decide if workers can remain at
            home, need to come back to offices, or if they will adopt a hybrid approach.

            Key Takeaway

            During  the  pandemic,  small  business  owners  are  pivoting  while  trying  to  retain  good  employees.
            Cybersecurity threats are an additional unneeded stressor for already strained companies. Thankfully,
            by  following  guidelines  for  remote  workers  and  managing  risks,  firms  can  reduce  the  chances  of  a
            cybersecurity event and focus on making it through the crisis.

            About the Author

            Bill  DeLisi  is  one  of  the  world’s  most  authoritative  experts  on
            cybersecurity.  He  is  currently  the  Chief  Executive  Officer,  Chief
            Technology  Officer  and  a  founding  member  of  the  Board  of
            Directors  for  GOFBA,  Inc.  DeLisi  has  more  than  30  years  of
            experience in the computer industry, including holding the position
            of Chief Technology Officer at several companies. He has worked
            closely  with  Microsoft  Gold  Certified  Partners,  helping  pioneer
             “cloud” computing and creating security infrastructures that are still
            in  use  today.  DeLisi  is  responsible  for  the  development  of
            proprietary  technology  that  serves  as  the  backbone  of GOFBA’s
            platform and has over 30 certifications with Microsoft, Cisco, Apple,
            and  others,  which  includes  the  coveted  Systems  Engineer  with
            Advanced Security certification, as well as expert status in Cloud
            Design and Implementation.
            Bill Delisi, CEO of GOFBA. Bill can be reached via email at [email protected] or on his company website

            Cyber Defense eMagazine –July 2020 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                                         65
            Copyright © 2020, Cyber Defense Magazine.  All rights reserved worldwide.
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