Page 62 - Cyber Defense eMagazine for July 2020
P. 62

•  SDP software allows for data transfer, by way of encrypted micro-tunnels, right from smart IoT
                   edge devices to various destinations—whether an on-premises site, multi-cloud, or hybrid-cloud
               •  To ensure secure connectivity and transmission, SDP also uses public key authentication.
               •  Specific types of SDP software make this happen through an enhanced user datagram protocol
                   (UDP),  which  has  randomly  generated  ports  that  render  the tunnels  basically  invisible  to

            Other benefits for city IT staff include that SDP offers easy configuration and management, which aids
            scalability. The software requires no appliances, and also avoids the various maintenance and security
            challenges of VPNs, which were designed for a physical-server environment. SDP has performance
            advantages as well, with the encrypted micro-tunnels offering the ability to be made highly available.

            Smart devices and edge computing has proven ability to help smart cities advance and problem-solve—
            but without secure connectivity, these measures fall short. By pairing an SDP client with smart devices,
            those who are working on creating the hyperconnected smart cities that will take us into the future can
            safeguard their investment of time, resources, and data as well.

            About the author

            Don Boxley Jr is a DH2i co-founder and CEO. Prior to DH2i, Don spent
            more  than  20  years  in  management  positions  for  leading  technology
            companies,  including  Hewlett-Packard,  CoCreate  Software,  Iomega,
            TapeWorks Data Storage Systems and Colorado Memory Systems. Don
            earned  his  MBA  from  the  Johnson  School  of  Management,  Cornell

            Cyber Defense eMagazine –July 2020 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                                         62
            Copyright © 2020, Cyber Defense Magazine.  All rights reserved worldwide.
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