Page 99 - Cyber Defense eMagazine April 2023
P. 99

Background Information

            Under the modern condition any device being on the web can be used as a hacking tool. Downloading
            and installing the hacker’s software on an object is simple task and the entire internet is overwhelmed
            with so handy tutorials, hacker’s forums and similar online content. In other words, it’s easy to become a
            cyber criminal and some experiences suggest that even the secondary school students can deal with
            skill  being  sufficient  to  make  the  first  steps  in  such  a  crime  area.  The  tendency  shows  cybercrime
            underworld recruits new members at that age and once thrown in such a business they can stay there
            for a long period of time. Average cyber criminal has a potential to turn into the other crime areas which
            makes him getting the hybrid threat. Typical case in criminology is that anyone with that skill can be
            suitable for drug trafficking, financial crime, human smuggling and even terrorism. Preparing the high-
            tech campaign takes time and effort and many crime organizations know how to take advantage over
            their cyber warriors. Only one hacking machine can cover a plenty of targets making out of attacked
            devices a grid which receives commands from a centralized workstation being capable to exploit all
            available vulnerabilities within an hour or two. The developed economies have a tendency to cope with
            smart technologies which means their peripherals communicate through TCP/IP channel and not via
            cables which is the case in the previous generation of computers. That means such a centralized system
            copes with network sharing capacities putting any device into grid and assigning it its IP address. [1-4]
            The modern marketplace offers some solutions on the web which can be applied to discover IP addresses
            and  the  other  details  in  the  network  4.0.  The  skillful  hackers  can  demonstrate  a  wide  spectrum  of
            capabilities and sometimes it is a challenge to prevent cyber operation. The law enforcement agencies
            need to work smart in order to cut the information exchange in the cyberspace and carefully choose a
            moment to find out when the threat’s plan is uncovered and further open for being mitigated. The next
            generations hacking challenges can be far more notorious than at present, but cyber industry yet needs
            to think about advancements which are at least a step ahead of the threat.

            High-Tech Operation Challenges

            Cyber technologies capture the majority of the information-communication systems which serve to deliver
            the findings from one point to another. Those technologies are highly sensitive to hacker’s attacks as
            they can be approached from anywhere if they are in the network. Professional defense equipment can
            expose the devices even if they are not on the web, while the ordinary hacking tools are useful only if the
            object is online. The nightmare to hackers is once they access the cyberspace they will leave a trace
            within such an asset. The modern best practice in criminology shows that those cases can be resolved
            in an investigation fashion as there is the strong skill with the authorities worldwide. In addition, some
            fundamental researches across the globe can offer the helpful inputs to the entire high-tech industry. The
            cyber industry is so powerful drive which role is to offer a betterment of many coping with cutting-edge
            systems. It’s time of cyber-physical revolution and the majority of current professionals deal with skill to
            improve and innovate what already exists, as well as provide some novel paths in their area of expertise.
            The  cyber  campaigns  can  offer  a  wide  domain  of  the  potential  threats  to  people,  businesses  and

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