Page 104 - Cyber Defense eMagazine April 2023
P. 104

Understanding The Concept of Privacy By


             By Danijela Obradovic, Lawyer at Roberts & Obradovic

            "Privacy by Design," a concept first introduced by former Ontario Information and Privacy Commissioner
            Ann Cavoukian, is a comprehensive approach to privacy that goes beyond simply meeting regulatory
            and legal requirements. It involves incorporating privacy into all aspects of an organization, including its
            objectives, priorities, project management, and operations. Privacy Lawyers and IT professionals should
            understand the principles behind this important privacy framework.

            The Privacy by Design framework is based on seven (7) principles:

            Principle  1:  Proactive,  Preventative  Approach  -  Organizations  should  anticipate  and  prevent
            privacy risks before they occur.

            Principle 2: Privacy as Default Setting - IT systems and business practices should include the
            maximum degree of privacy protections by default.

            Principle 3: Embedded in Design - Privacy should be incorporated into the design and architecture
            of IT systems and business practices.

            Principle 4: Full Functionality, Positive-Sum Approach - Privacy and security, as well as privacy
            and revenue, can both be achieved.

            Principle 5: End-to-End Security - Privacy and security measures should cover the entire lifecycle
            of data.

            Principle 6: Visibility and Transparency - Organizations should be transparent about their privacy
            standards and practices and be open to independent verification.

            Principle  7:  User-Centric  Approach  -  Organizations  should  prioritize  the  privacy  interests  of
            individuals and provide strong privacy defaults, appropriate notice, and user-friendly options.

            The aim of these principles is to promote privacy as an integral aspect of organizational objectives,
            priorities, project management, and operations. We will discuss these seven principles in more detail

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