Page 101 - Cyber Defense eMagazine April 2023
P. 101

Cybercrime as a Criminology Matter

            According to some global Police and security associations, any abnormalities in the cyberspace are
            recognized as a crime. Those occurrences are normally described in some legal regulation, so skillful
            Police officers can determine a sort of the criminality and suggested punishments. The way which leads
            from the initial information to case conclusion must be crossed with investigation procedures that serve
            to make the case by the accepted laws. From expert’s point of the view, the policing is a multidisciplinary
            area  as  it  involves  both  –  natural  and  social  sciences  professionals.  Indeed,  anyone  in  such  an
            organization has some role and the main imperative is to assure solidarity between the staffing that
            serves for the same mission.

            Considerations and Impacts

            Some findings suggest that the cybercrime costs the global economy more than 5% of the world’s gross
            product. Those are very wasted finances and if there would be a method to save those losses many
            people would be happy and secure. The high-tech attacks are the real disaster of the modern time and
            true headache to many governments over the world. Indeed, one of the ultimate challenges to nowadays
            criminology  is  how  to  reduce  a  rate  of  that  offense  as  the  population  across  the  globe  could  work
            peacefully in order to impact a total productivity and effectiveness to their societies.


            Asymmetric landscape has challenged the world throughout history as it brings a disbalance to many
            spheres of the lives and works. It’s obvious than ever the security could be the most significant tendency
            in the future as the overall world literally creeps for better days. This century is an age of the challenges,
            so the entire defense community is needed to be united in order to protect global values and standards.

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