Page 14 - CDM Exclusive Future of- Cybersecurity Whitepaper with Dr. David G. DeWalt - 2018
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planning on moving from drive by malware found on websites to actually driving by
(whether remotely through the internet or actually pulling a proximity attack) of an
executive’s property, eavesdropping on his or her insecure routers and weak home
cybersecurity environment and making that the next big attack vector for cyber crime and
espionage. Will the executive’s Alexa or Nest system hold up to the scrutiny of cyber
criminals or their 3-year-old wireless router that came with their cable modem? Highly
doubtful. This is just one tiny example of what Dr. DeWalt has discovered. Let’s read on
and learn more from his key slide on the eight areas of high exploitation and high
investment opportunity coming in the very near-term:
Pictured Above, Dr. David G. DeWalt’s Cyber ‘Super Cycles’ Biggest Gaps Investment Vision
Drones & Domes, Industrial & IoT, Social & Satellite, Cloud & Crypto
Dr. David G. DeWalt suggests we go where there’s incredible innovation in cyber and
become part of that ecosystem and help these innovators commercialize and bring to
market very next generation technologies that their respective government agencies
might be using ‘in the trenches’ – so he’s spent a lot of time in the hottest cyber locations
– California, Washington DC and not surprisingly, Israel.
He went on to explain to me that NightDragon Securty is not a corporation focused on
one security issue, it’s a complete platform to advance cyber across the world – taking
these deep intelligence relationships and providing services necessary to cultivate them
Whitepaper Copyright © 2018, Cyber Defense Magazine and Dr. David G. DeWalt. All rights reserved worldwide. 14