Page 13 - CDM Exclusive Future of- Cybersecurity Whitepaper with Dr. David G. DeWalt - 2018
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Pictured Above, Dr. David G. DeWalt’s Idea of Cyber ‘Super Cycles’
What’s driving the perfect Cyber storm?
According to Dr. DeWalt, the speed of innovation is driving vulnerabilities everywhere,
but in particular, eight key areas – Mobile, Social, Cloud, Satellite, IoT, Industrial, Physical,
& Consumer. Add to this the levels of danger expanding from hacktivism to crime to
espionage to terrorism to warfare. In addition, we have a tremendous increase in geo-
political tensions, a complete lack of governance and law enforcement models
compounded by internet anonymity. Moreover, we have legacy security providers unable
to detect or prevent the next threat – hence, we’ve entered a perfect Cyber storm.
Given these critical issues, Dr. David G. DeWalt has decided to form NightDragon Security
as a unique Cybersecurity Platform – to drive leadership into a new world of investment
opportunities in cyber defense innovations. From inception to incubation to market
deployment, acceptance and potential cyber defense global dominance – his mission is
to create and/or find the market leaders to help us get one step ahead of the next
breach. He’s even predicting, very intelligently where those breaches will be happening
– and you’d be very surprised. Today, it may be relatively easy to get to a CEO through a
spear phishing attack but tomorrow, stealing his identity may happen through his home
automation and internet of things (IoT) devices. Cybercriminals have already started
Whitepaper Copyright © 2018, Cyber Defense Magazine and Dr. David G. DeWalt. All rights reserved worldwide. 13