Page 19 - CDM Exclusive Future of- Cybersecurity Whitepaper with Dr. David G. DeWalt - 2018
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others now that GDPR is being activated.  There are stories that the Russian government
               funded an organization that only spent $100k to influence, potentially 10M voters and
               the list goes on.  The first stage of any form of cyber security in this area is better cyber
               hygiene – most folks don’t even know what apps have access to all of their personal
               information in their social media accounts.  But where is the 2-factor authentication – how
               do we know a Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Instagram or other social media
               account is really YOUR account?  What if you had a false identity in any other country and
               didn’t  know  it?   What  if  your  staff  were  victimized  by  one  of  these  false  identity
               accounts?  Social media has little to no cybersecurity by design.  How do we manage,
               monitor,  prevent  and  protect  when  it  comes  to  cybercrime,  false  identities,  online
               extorsion and the next wave of e-commerce threats that leverage these weak and insecure
               platforms vs traditional ecommerce web experiences?

               Pictured above, social media is beginning to takeover and replace the web

               Most  industries  and  even  consumers  have  become  completely  dependent
               upon Satellites and don’t even think about it or even notice – from connecting everything
               on the ground to the air  – internet is provided now on most major airlines and rural
               communities leverage satellite for internet but there’s so much more – think of all the
               smartphones and IoT devices – even cars, trucks, air lines and shipping industries using
               GPS – all based upon weak and insecure satellite networks.  Satellites are hard to upgrade,
               have very weak and old encryption, can be easily Distributed Denial of Serviced (DDosed)
               and so much more – this area is ripe for investment and innovation in cyber defense,
               according to Dr. DeWalt.  There’s only one company, to date, putting in any energy into

                 Whitepaper Copyright © 2018, Cyber Defense Magazine and Dr. David G. DeWalt.  All rights reserved worldwide.            19
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